“Tell me, then.” I walked over to a fallen log. Brushing the snow from it, I had a seat. I was much more used to the Winter weather now and being out in the cold didn’t bother me as it had when I had first come to the Unseelie Court. I patted the log beside me, but Liath didn’t come and sit. Instead, he began to pace in front of me, like a male who is too anxious to settle.

“It started at Harry’s—the place I just took you,” he said, talking as he paced. “I went there because I was curious about the Mortal Realm. And I happened to see your brother—to see Quill, there.”

“How long ago?” I asked tightly.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair again.

“Five years,” he admitted. “At first I was ready to fight him—he was a Seelie warrior and I wanted to take him down.”

“What happened? Why didn’t you?” I asked, curious despite myself.

“Well…your brother happened. He waved me over as though I was an old friend—and then he bought me a drink!” Liath laughed. “Can you fucking believe it? Bought me a fucking drink.” He shook his head.

“Actually, that sounds like something Quill would do,” I said slowly. “He was always slow to anger.” Well, except when he knew that Asfaloth and Calista had been tormenting me.

“I was so surprised I sat with him and had a drink,” Liath said. “And we talked…just talked. About Court life…what it’s like to have the burden of being next in line to the throne on your fucking head. Things like that.” He shrugged. “You know.”

“Did he talk about me?” I asked tightly, wondering what my big brother might have said.

“Oh yes, little bird—he talked about you a lot,” Liath said softly. “He loved you dearly, you know.” His voice dropped. “He told me how your cousins tormented you—how fucking cruel they were.”

My skin felt hot all over. How much had Quill told Liath? Had he revealed all the horrible, embarrassing things that Asfaloth and Calista had done to me? There were so many humiliating incidents I just wanted to forget—and I certainly didn’t want my husband knowing about them!

“I see,” I said stiffly. “Is that why you decided to ask my father for my hand? Because Quill was killed?”

“Partially,” he admitted. “I…started going to the Pool of Seeing—just to watch over you, you know,” he added. “I knew Quill would have wanted me to.”

“You think my brother would have wanted you to spy on me?” I demanded, glaring up at him.

“It wasn’t spying, exactly,” Liath said defensively. “I was just keeping an eye on you. I wanted to be sure they didn’t hurt you.”

“What did you see?” I asked him, my voice shaking. “Did you see the time Asfaloth did a transformation and gave me a sow’s head for a whole day and forced me to attend a Court banquet that way? Or what about the time Calista used a filth spell to smear all my dresses with pig shit as soon as I stepped out of the doors to my room? They kept me locked up a whole month that way because every time I tried to leave, I was magically covered in filth—it was really hilarious,” I said fiercely.

“Alira…little bird—” he began.

“I told you, don’t call me that!” I snapped. “How about the time my cousins caught me swimming naked and then made me look at my reflection in the pond while they told me how ugly I was? Did you see that—did you? Is that why you were so eager to show me I was ‘beautiful’ on our first night together?”

“You are fucking beautiful!” he growled. “None of what they did to you can make that otherwise, Alira!”

“Just admit it!” I jumped up from the frozen log. “You asked for my hand and married me because you felt sorry for me! Because Quill was your best friend and you thought you had to look after his little sister after he was killed!”

“That’s not it—or not all of it,” Liath objected.

“Well, it’s all I need to hear.” I turned and started making my way back to the Winter Palace.

I couldn’t help feeling hurt and betrayed. Liath had probably seen all the incidents I had mentioned—and others too awful to recount. I felt humiliated that he had seen how Asfaloth and Calista had tormented me—and betrayed that he had asked for my hand just because he felt sorry for me and thought he owed it to Quill to take care of his helpless little sister.

He had acted like I had value to him—like he knew I had incredible magical ability and that he thought I would be able to help him take the Shadow Throne of the Unseelie Realm. He had made me feel important—beautiful—special.

I felt none of those things now. I just felt hurt and angry and betrayed. So I ignored his calls and walked back to the Palace alone.