Page 34 of Savage Intent

“We’re not getting married,” I state, not sure how I feel about the prospect of antagonizing him. I just know that I’ve lived enough of my life without choices. I won’t live the rest of it like that.

“You’re making the wrong decision, Lina.”

“I’m making the only one I can.”

“Then, my beautiful bride, we’re going to do this the hard way.”


He kisses my forehead, gives me a smirk, and then walks out of the room without so much as a backwards glance.

I’m left regretting my decision, wishing I had said yes, and worrying about what Antonio is going to do next.



I let out an annoyed breath as I listen to Killian laughing. It would be a shame to kill him now—especially when we’re going into war together. Still, with each second that ticks by the idea is getting more and more tempting.

“Are you about done yet?” I ask, letting him hear my irritation.

“I can’t believe she turned you down.”

“Whatever. Can you deliver the package or not?”

“I’m pretty sure that’s doable,” he says finally getting down to business.

I lean back in my chair and throw my feet up on my desk. I shake the ice in my glass and then take a swallow of the whiskey, enjoying the stout burn as it goes down.

“I want it tonight. Melina is going through with this wedding tomorrow. I want her locked down and photos delivered to my father-in-law the next morning.”

“She may grow to hate you and I may be wrong, but I don’t think that is what you’re trying to achieve with Melina.”

“She’ll come around,” I respond. I’m not going to discuss my relationship with Melina. I don’t like that she’s forcing my hand on this. I can’t deny that, but I’m not backing down either. She will be my bride. That ring will be on her finger before I face her father. Sure, it has to do with pride—that much is true. Yet, I want to make Dracos see that I’ve taken everything from him—every person or thing that he should have appreciated when it was in his grasp will now be overseen by me. He thought he could lead me around by my dick and laugh behind my back. He’ll pay for that, but in the end, I want him to see that no one in this world will miss his miserable ass. Most of all, I need him to know that the Stratakis name will ultimately be replaced with DeLuca in every single thing that mattered to him—and the one thing that should have mattered above everything. He bartered Melina off. I, on the other hand, will never let her forget her worth.

“For your sake, I hope you’re right, Antonio. I’ve found in my marriage, however, that women can be very contrary creatures. You expect them to react one way and they never do. It’s mind-boggling at times.”

“It just keeps life interesting,” I counter.

He laughs again, but since this humor isn’t at my expense, it doesn’t grate on my nerves half as bad.

“I actually didn’t think Marco would accept our deal quite so easily. He wanted to be the head of the family.”

I shrug. “People want a lot of things they will never get. Still, he will continue to run the family, just under the DeLuca umbrella. He’ll answer to me and not his father. I think that’s a gift he should be thankful for.”

“What’s to keep him from trying to kill you and take over?” Killian asks.

I smirk. “Me.”

“My Belle likes to say I’m a cocky bastard, but I think you may have me beat, Antonio.”

“It’s only a bad thing if you can’t back it up,” I reason.

“That’s what I tell her, but I’m not sure she believes me.”

“Have Marco here in the morning. I also want all of Melina’s belongings brought here first thing.”

“You really don’t know how to work well with others, do you, Antonio? You normally ask, not order.”