“Is it anxiety?” she cries in panic. “What about?” She frantically looks around. “It’s the article, isn’t it? The news about his death, you’re scared you’ll end up the same way, aren’t you?”
Stomping her foot, she aggressively crumbles the newspaper and throws it into the trashcan. “I never would’ve showed this to you, had I known you were sensitive.” Wrapping her arms around me, she hugs me tight and I purr inwardly when facing her cleavage. “This is what happens when big guys like you act all tough, bottling down your fears and then you end up exploding.” Clicking her tongue, she holds me closer. “Let those emotions out, let them out...,” she rocks me and shushes me and I pretend to exhale.
“Better?” she asks and I shrug. A concerned frown forms between her brows. “I don’t want to leave you when you’re like this.” She hesitates and I bore my eyes into hers, trying to get her to do what I want. “Maybe, I should call and tell them I can’t come in today.”
Hiding my smirk, I say in a controlled voice, “Luna, I think that would be for the best.”
He insists on coming with me to work on Monday. We spent the whole weekend together, or more like glued to one another. At one point, I even thought he would follow me into the bathroom and when I told him I’d go for a run in the evening, he took his car and followed me, yelling at me through the window things like,
“Pull your top down!”
“Watch your step!”
“I’ll kill that motherfucker for honking at you!”
That was his idea of giving me space but I have to admit, it felt pretty bizarre jogging and seeing a car and a man in dark glasses stalking me whenever I looked over my shoulder. This is a nice neighborhood, as opposed to my old one and I don’t believe Derex one bit when he said he was doing it for my own safety.
The most dangerous thing around here is the butterflies and I think Derex just needs to be in control of everything. Not that I mind, but I am nervous about bringing him to work. None of the other teachers have ever brought their men with them for a day and their men looknice.
Mine looks like he writes other people’s testaments, using their own blood.
At least he’s not wearing black today but more of a...dark grey. I guess that’s something and I take a deep breath, stepping into the school together with Derex. The kids immediately burst into tears at the sight of him, some of them screaming and cowering in the corner and my heart sinks. Glancing at Derex, I notice he seems embarrassed and a little bit guilty and sympathy flares in me.
“They just need to get used to you,” I murmur, wringing my hands and I introduce him to my colleagues. They look at him with a mixture of admiration and apprehension and I want to tell them that he’s not dangerous but I’m annoyed by their reaction at the same time. He’s agoodperson. “Maybe its best if you sit down,” I add, encouraging him to sit on a chair far too small for him and for a moment I worry it’ll give in under his weight.
I smile at the other kids who peek out of their hiding places and stare at Derex as if both horrified and fascinated. “It’s okay,” I murmur, nodding at them. “You can play with him. He won’t bite.”
In response they shudder, shaking their heads but one brave boy crawls over the floor and grabs a plastic spoon. Wide-eyed, he brings the spoon toward Derex’s mouth and Derex throws me a helpless glance that makes me smile.
“You’re supposed to pretend that you’re eating.”
Derex frowns, his shoulders tensing with aggravation as if he doesn’t see the point of this but then he pretends to take a couple of bites and the boy coos. Banging his little fists on the table, the boy brings the spoon to Derex again when all of the sudden what I dreaded happens.
The chair cracks underneath Derex’s massive weight, causing him to fall on his back and he lets out a wildly inappropriate curse. Silence fills the room loud enough to hear a pin drop, until I shamelessly start sniggering and then the kids burst into laughter. Even the teachers laugh, the kids coming out from hiding and now Derex is their favorite person. They make him chase them and act like a dragon that they then pretend to slay.
In the midst of everything, Derex and I make eye contact and I grin at him. He winks back and even though I’m getting ahead of myself, I can tell he’ll be a good dad one day. A softness spreads in my chest and I feel so wonderful I’m surprised I’m not levitating. Here I was afraid this would be a disaster...and this is how good it turned out.
But it seems that I spoke too soon because Derex’s demeanor changes the moment the day’s over and the kids ready to be picked up. “You stay right here,” I tell him nervously. “I’ll get this over quickly and then we can go home.”
He gives me a long look that drips with arrogance. Apparently he’s not the kind to wait in a corner while his woman interacts with other men but I guess I already knew that. “I just want to introduce myself, moon baby,” he purrs. “You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“I don’t know if you s...should,” I stutter, but he ignores me, moving to stand in the doorway and blocking it with his wide shoulders as the fathers try entering. Growly and about as approachable as a minefield, he shakes the men’s hands, gritting,
“I’m Luna’s male.”
They grimace, their eyes tearing and I can tell he’s shaking their hands just a little too hard. Goodness...is it really necessary to have a pissing contest? According to Derex there is and he makes sure to let everyone know I’m his, before handing over the kids and he’s so quick and efficient that my colleagues gawk.
“Is he for hire?” one of them asks. “That went smoother than when we do it.”
Yeah, because the dads were probably afraid they’d get their heads bit off by a giant northerner and I let out a sigh, crossing my arms over my chest because my colleagues better not tempt him. I’m sure if they offer him a job, Derex will see it as an excellent opportunity to keep an eye on me. As soon as the last child’s out the door, he turns to me and there’s a smug look on his face. He stalks over to me, his shoulders wide and strong enough to function as rafts in a time of crisis and I force myself to not get giddy now.
“Happy?” I hiss as he throws me an unbothered glance. “They’ll never dare pick their kids up again.”
“That certainly wasn’t my intention,” Derex smirks and I pout. Sure it was and he got exactly what he wanted. Now no man will ever dare get within ten feet of me and glancing up at Derex, I get a little bit suspicious. Today I was reminded of just howscaryhe can be, by looking at him through the eyes of others.