“I know.” Went leans back. “The agents are already on it. I know everything about your conversation. I know he threatened you but you don’t have to fear anything when you’re with me. I’ll take care of you and I’ll take care of your brother.”

“B...but I just came in here, trying to kill you again...aren’t you mad?”

Went shakes his head. “No.”

Frantic, I stare at him before crying out in shocked relief. “Have you been sent from up above? You’re the most powerful and tenderhearted man I’ve ever met.”

“It’s all because of you,” he rumbles, fisting the sheet. “You’re the one who brings out the heat, the passion, the goodness...if you believe my heart is tender then know that it is tender solely because of you.”

“Went...,” I whisper, my lips trembling, “I take back every bad thing I said about you in the past. I take it all back.”

The corners of his mouth curve as if he finds my guilt endearing. “What did you say?”

My face reddens. “You don’t wanna know...,” but he insists and I shamefully add, “that you have small dick energy.”

He smirks, flaring out with his hand over his impressive length that looks like soon it’ll explode. “Obviously you were wrong. Regretting it now?”

“Yes,” I nod frantically. “You could destroy someone with that thing.”

“All I want to destroy right now is your pussy.” He lets out a growl, his big body jolting. “Does the First Lady give the President permission for destruction?”

His brows fly to his hairline when I bite my lip, squirming and I feel a little persnickety.

“Hands holding on to the bed in that case.”

A look of pure shock befalls his face since nobody’s dared to give him orders in years and here I am, just a random girl telling the prez what to do.

“Are you giving me orders?” he growls and when I shamelessly nod, he mutters, “Fine.” His hands go to the bars of the bed and he holds them tightly. “Your turn. Climb onto this raging cock and give it your all.”



I’m so needy that I feel drawn to him like a magnet. Even before I go anywhere near him, I’m panting and I climb on top of the mattress. It barley sinks because my weight’s nothing compared to his. Crawling over to Went, I watch him carefully and his eyes aren’t blinking, his hands fastened and this feels a little treacherous.

Maybe it was a bad idea to ask him to keep his hands to himself for now, because it could make him detonate.

Gulping, I inch closer and everything on my body feels tender and heavy as if it’s been filled with sand, my breasts, my core and my skin is more sensitive than ever. If Went as much as breathes on me, I’ll start whimpering.

His shaft, pulses, a vein throbbing until it feels as if it’s going to blind me if I don’t look away... but I can’t look away. “Would you like for me to t...taste you?” I whisper and Went twitches.

“Do it,” he says in a dark voice that gives me the shivers. “And stop if it gets too much for you.”

Nodding, I lower my face and wrap my lips around the tip. His shaft make my lips stretch until they almost hurt but I swirl my tongue around, quickly finding that I enjoy this and my heart begins pounding. Went’s legs tense, the abs on his stomach heaving and I catch a trickle of sweat making its way down between his pecs.

“Am I doing it wrong?” I ask, making a suction motion and he lets out a curse.

“You’re doing it r...right,” he pants, his head rolling around on the headboard, his hands holding on so hard, his biceps look like they’ll pop out of his skin. “Just want to put my hand on you and push you down, make that sweet throat choke on it...,” he adds in delirium with squeezed eyes.

Letting out a sound, I softly shake my head and the movement causes Went to cry out and his breaths turn ragged. I do it again, blushing when I feel the vibrations up his length and they make my cheeks throb.

“I love your cock, Went,” I whisper and he lets out a bellow, lunging forward and it scares me so much that I jolt and pull back. Staring at him, I notice he still hasn’t let go of the bed and affection and sympathy flares in me and I immediately jump to straddle him. He purrs at this action, his eyes fixated on my pussy as I linger above his hips before slowly easing him into me but it’s easier when he does it and I throw him a helpless look.

“All the way...,” he grits in encouragement but when I shake my head, his eyes darken and he bucks. We both cry out, my body unraveling into a mess on top of him and my mind spins. I stutter his name and he nods at me. “You’re doing good.”

“That’s so kind of you to say, Went but I can’t feel my legs,” I gasp. “I can’t feel anything other than you.”

“What more do you need to feel?” he moans, reminding me that everything’s in order and I begin to move. Up and down, my arousal growing and growing until I’m full on blasting him with pink.