“A real man?” Robbie guffaws quietly. “You’re making it sound as if you think I should let India be the arm candy of some rich, old guy.”

That’s not that far from the truth. “Not an old guy,” I correct. “Just older.”

“Forget it,” Robbie scoffs, “no way, am I letting India be the plaything of someone twice her age.”

His words make my heart feel abrasive in my chest and I stretch my fingers, clutching my fist and opening it to reduce some tension.

I haven’t done murder in a long time but suddenly I’m tempted to do just that when looking at Robbie’s arrogant face. His daughter ismine. I wince. Fuck, I need to calm down.

“Your turn,” I say in a cold voice, but Robbie doesn’t notice and happily moves his pawn. We play in silence and I listen to the girls talking outside. India’s laughing, her voice surprisingly sensual for a girl her age and she takes her time responding to Ronnie’s questions.

She’s attentive like that, responsible and truth to be told she blossomed into a young woman I never thought she’d be. The changes were subtle and I barely noticed until about a year ago. Her body had morphed into nothing short of a nymph, her eyes becoming less innocent and gaining a heated glimmer, her conversation skills becoming less shallow.

It made me look at her differently. She used to jump up and down in my bed and now she’s going to lie with me in it. Rubbing my lips, I carefully calculate my next move and we play for about fifteen minutes more, until darkness falls and we have to switch on the light.

Leaning forward in my chair, I wrap my fingers around my pawn, moving it and declaring, “Check mate.”

“Fuuuck,” Robbie exhales, kicking the table and his frustration’s palpable. “Fuck, Ronnie is going to be so disappointed. Ugh...” he wails, rubbing his eyes and then he shakes his head. He reaches for my scotch again, exclaiming,

“Go on then, hotshot. Tell me what you want.”

Giving him a firm look I say, “I want your daughter.”


The clock’s ticking on the wall as Robbie stares at me. His mouth falls open and he drops the bottle he was holding, letting it roll over the oriental carpet. With narrowed eyes, he says,

“What the fuck did you just say?”

Rubbing my jaw I reply because I’m not backing down, “I want your daughter. I want India to be mine.”

Robbie’s eyes glaze over and he does a move as if he’s thinking about attacking me and I raise my hands. “Hear me out. I’ll be good to her, I’ll give her whatever she desires, marry her...”

“Marry her?” Robbie lets out an amazed laugh. “You marrying my daughter,” he points at his chest, “not a chance in hell. Fuck no, am I giving her to you.”

“Robbie...” I begin in a calming voice, trying to keep my agitation under wraps.

“Don’t Robbie me.” His eyes fire. “This was your plan all along, take my daughter and you thought I’d agree?” Shaking his head, he adds, “You’re sicker than I thought.”

“I have feelings for her,” I reply in a hard tone, “real ones, deep ones...”

“She’s a kid!” Robbie yells, standing up. “A virgin and you think I’ll throw her to a man like you? You think I’ll let you ruin her?”

Standing up, I button my suit replying, “I won’t ruin her. I will treat her better than anyone ever has.”

“The fuck is that supposed to mean,” Robbie says, his eyes narrowing, “You think you’re better than me because you sit on gold, because you live alone in this cold, mausoleum like house?” He points at me, “Guess what, you’re not better than me. I don’t think that and neither does Ronnie or India.”

“Listen to me...” I start patiently even though I’m beginning to lose my temper but Robbie refuses.

“No, I’m not listening. I don’t care if you die alone in this house, Clay. Don’t care what you do or how you choose to live your life but you’re not getting my daughter.”

He walks over to the door but I close it, looking him straight in the eyes.

“Those aren’t the rules of the game,” I say between my teeth.

“Fuck the game! And get the fuck out of my way.”

“Robbie,” I say in a strained voice, following him as he walks down the curving staircase. “Robbie!”