Page 21 of Odin

“Havoc! It’s Havoc!” The men surrounding us yell it out like this might be a boogie man they all know about.

He takes out two more before the men try to return fire. All of this plays out in front of me and Dolly who placed something soft against my burning shoulder. And then the world erupts in gunfire as bikes scream into the parking lot and the Sons arrive in a blaze of…well, chaos. Men in vans come too, but they’re no match for the Sons.

I overhear Jinx when the man pushes her back behind him keeping her safe. “You’re Havoc?”

“Yeah, I’m Havoc.” He pulls her in for a kiss while still shooting at the men. What’s up with that?

A tall man, the same man who tried to keep me out of the ‘interrogation room’ and called me Lilith, comes over and helps Dolly move me to a safer location.

“How you doing, Lil’?” He keeps me talking as he rips the sleeve of my shirt so he can look at the wound high on my shoulder that’s still bleeding. He slaps something to the wound that makes it burn even as he tries to crack jokes to distract me.

And then the ground shakes as one of the vans blows up and several men run around lit on fire. Another set of soft hands come to help even as Nori shakes her head. “That man will set anything on fire.”

“It wasn’t Pyro.” Grimm, I'm pretty sure his name is Grimm, tells her.

“What?” She seems surprised.

“It was Odin. He’s pissed. He’s ordered the deaths of all the men in the trafficking ring and placed bounties on all of their heads. Now the other clubs are looking for any member of the circle they can so they can get the money. They’ve already spent the morning turning several of the men over to local police and taking care of the more dangerous ones. The men in control of the ring are shitting bricks. Thus this little last gasp before death.” He waves his hand around at the other bikers and the vans.

I look over to Grimm to find him shaking his head. “Others are saying he’s calling down the wrath of God on them for even thinking of going after you. It's going to get worse now though.” I can tell he means because I've been shot.

I must drift off because when I finish the world’s longest blink Odin is in front of me kissing my face and begging me not to leave him. I try to tell him I have no plans to leave him but can’t seem to find my voice as the world seems to be moving around me. It takes me a few minutes to realize we are in the back of an ambulance with my hand still being held by a worried-looking Odin.

My last thought as I drift away is about how damned good-looking my man is. And how I have no plans whatsoever to leave him a widower now that we’ve finally found one another at last. He's all mine.

Chapter Sixteen



I’ve paced the color off the floor inside her room as I wait for the doctor to come back in and talk to me. As soon as the man comes through the door, I’m on him. Asking him every question under the sun concerning the health and welfare of the woman laying in the bed close by.

He pisses me off when he starts laughing, “Calm down, Mr. St. Pierre. Your wife is going to be just fine.”

“Then why hasn’t she woke up?”

“Because being shot takes a lot out…of a pregnant woman.”

“What?” I grab onto him and he helps me sit in the chair next to the bed my wife is lying in.

“It was a through and through. The absolute best way to get shot where she did. She should be healed completely in six to ten weeks.”

“Not the wound, doctor. What about the…she…you said baby?”

He nods and offers me a big smile. “I take it by the shock you didn’t know.”

I shake my head no. Then my heart seizes up as my eyes fly to his. “The baby?”

“Wasn’t bothered by this little bump in the road at all. And should be very healthy.”


I jump up when her soft little voice calls my name. “Right here, love. I’m right here.” I take her hand in mine when she holds it up for me. “How are you feeling, princess?”

