Page 20 of Odin

I let the sigh that’s been trapped in my throat from the time I first breached her innocence til now, out. Oh, thank God.

I test the grip she has on my cock before I turn us so that she is lying in my arms, half on top of me half on the bed. I play with her tits again and strum her clit as I finally do what I have spent years wanting to do. I fuck her, my cock going all the way in this time - balls deep. She gives me a strangled cry before I take her mouth and fuck it like I’m fucking her wet little pussy.

She comes apart for me so beautifully, giving me her whole being when she cums on my cock for the first time. Her pussy tightens around my cock and seconds before it pulses around me, she screams out my name even through our kiss. She milks my cock like a pro as I drain my balls deep inside her little body.

I move us so she is lying on me with her back to my front, never taking my cock out of her as I build her back up.

“Put your feet up. Put them up on my thighs and fuck yourself.” I help her position her feet so she can push against me. I realize I’m pushing her, being dirtier than I should but I can’t stop myself. “Fuck yourself on my big cock, princess. Tell me who you belong to.”

She starts moving with me and we start fucking one another until her pussy tightens around me again. “Odin. Odin! Oh God, Odin!”

“That’s it, baby girl. That’s it. Scream my name when you cum for me!”


Chapter Fifteen



It’s been three weeks of sheer bliss. I’ve never felt so loved in all my life. Odin makes sure I’m taken care of during the day and every night we come together in the most combustible ways. I’ve all but forgotten Gideon and why I was forced to marry in the first place, which might explain why I’m out now with some of the other old ladies not paying very close attention to what is going on around me.

When someone pulls up beside us while we are walking back to the bikes I don’t think twice. No one has dared to bother us during our outings, not with the vest on. But I should have known better. The people that are chasing me won’t just give up.

Two men get off bikes that remind me a little of the kind Odin and the Sons use but these are…cheaper looking. Two more men come up behind us and the hair on the back of my neck stands up. These men are bad news. One of the girls manages to slip away and I can only hope she is going to call in reinforcements. But it’s much too late for me. They’ll already have taken me by the time anyone gets to us.

“Look what we have here, Chop. Fresh meat.”

The other man snorts and starts moving closer and closer to us. The men in the back are also getting closer.

“You do not want to mess with us. I don’t know who you are but the Sons of Chaos…”

The man cuts Jinx off before she can finish, “won’t be able to do a damned thing for you. We’ll have you back at our place and halfway through ‘training’ before they even get here. But I like your spunk. Maybe I’ll take special care of you, huh.”

The man lifts Jinx’s hair and brings it to his nose. I slap it out of his hand and push Jinx behind me.

“Don’t you dare touch her.”

The man’s smile fades and he looks at me with cold eyes before he slaps me across the face. I stagger backward but keep my feet under me somehow. I make sure the other ladies are all behind me as the men come even closer. The one man, the one the other called Chop, comes so close I can smell the stale beer on his breath.

“You, I’ll send on over to the men who hired us. No training needed.”

He takes my arm even as one of the other men goes for Jinx. “No!” I push and then use the palm of my hand to hit the guy in the nose making him turn me loose. I grab Jinx and try to fight the other guy off her. She’s fighting just as hard as I am. Neither one of us sees the gun the guy who spoke first pulls out.

“Fuck this. They didn’t say they needed all of them. Just her.”

He points it at Jinx and everything slows down for me. I don’t think before I place myself in front of her and take the bullet meant for her. The shot knocks both of us back on the ground and all I can hear is screaming and another blast. I tense up waiting to feel the same thing as before. Hot, searing hot, pain slicing into me where the bullet hit me. But it doesn’t come.

“Stupid fucker! I want her! She’s coming with me to be my bitch!” The man steps forward and drags Jinx out from under me taking her small worried hands from me.

“No!” Even hurt I try to grab on to the girl so the man can’t take her anywhere. But I don’t have a good enough grip on her and he’s pulling her away from the others as all the girls surround me, putting me behind them like I once tried to put them behind me.

“It’s going to be alright, Lori. Pyro and…”

The man pulling Jinx away has her halfway back to his bike before another shot rings out and the man stops pulling. Everything goes still for a second before the man drops and pulls her down with him. She’s screaming bloody murder as another man comes across the street after having jumped from the fire escape of a building nearby.

He takes Jinx from the dead man’s grasp and pulls her in close as he takes aim at one of the other men.