Page 18 of Odin

God, I forgot how annoying Gideon can be. But still…I want to find out if Odin is right when he says he will tell me anything I want to know. “Why?”

“Because he was going to hurt you.”

He won’t look me in the eye, but I can tell by how the words are pulled out of him that they are true. I’m shocked and stunned into silence for a full moment as I take in this man in front of me.


He takes the wrappings off his hands to stall. He finally brings his eyes back to mine, “He was going to blackmail your father so you would have to be with him…or he was going to publish pictures he had of you.”

I think back to how young I was when Odin went away. I couldn’t have been any older than fourteen, fifteen at the most. My hand goes to my throat as I think about what Odin is telling me. “Pictures?”

“Only in your bra and panties but he said he knew people who would want them. Made your father think there was more. Even when it turned out there wasn’t.”

“My father…was going to give him what he wanted?” He gives me a quick nod. I have to really focus to go on. Odin just told me my dad was cool with me being ‘given’ to someone so pictures wouldn’t get out. To keep a scandal from happening. “What did you do?”

“I killed the son of a bitch. Burnt the pictures he had and his home down while I was at it.”

“You…you killed to keep me safe. You killed for me.”

I walk closer and watch him take a sharp breath to prepare himself for the smack he thinks is going to come from me when I am in front of him and Gideon. His gaze never wavers but I can tell he’s waiting for me to do whatever it is I’m going to choose to do. The tension in the room is so thick you can feel it on your skin like dried sweat. The two other men shift their feet uncomfortably. I move fast.

And punch Gideon in the face, hitting him in his already busted lip and broken nose.

“I hope he makes a purse out of what little balls you have, you son of a bitch.” The other guys start to snicker and one of them hands the other a five-dollar bill.

“If you thought Odin telling me he killed for me, lost his freedom - his everything - for me would turn me away from him, change the way I feel about him…you clearly mistook me for my parents’ uppity asses.”

I come close to the now terrified-looking Gideon.

“I hope the image of me cumming on Odin’s cock haunts what little time you have left on this Earth, fucker.” I swing back and hit him again. This, like the first, isn’t some dainty slap across the cheek. I punch him so hard I hope his teeth go down the back of his throat.

Odin takes me by the arm and walks me outside, telling the two men to keep an eye on the little fucker in the chair. Outside I wince and shake my hand. I wasn’t about to show that asshole how much punching someone really hurts. He takes my hand and looks it over before dropping kisses on the bloody knuckles.

“Come on and let me fix you up.”

I stop him from going any further when he pulls me to leave. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Taking care of me when you didn’t have to. For keeping me safe.” I wrap my arms around his neck and keep going. “For caring for me better than my own fucking father did.”

To my surprise we’re back in the clubhouse. Odin had been walking with me wrapped around him the entire time. I lean forward and kiss him. Not a hesitant kiss but one that tells him just how thankful I am for him and all he’s done for me.

He pulls back after a while and looks down at me, “You…this is not the way to repay me.” It takes me a minute to figure out what he’s talking about and in that time he gets us back to our rooms and sits me down. “I don’t want it -you- because you think you owe me. You don’t owe me a damned thing.”

I kiss him again. His lips are so soft for a man who can be so hard. I love that he’s hard. He can protect me because of that hardness. I straddle his legs and wrap myself around him.

“I always wanted it to be you.” I nip at his lips and cling to the kiss as I share a secret of my own. “I’m pretty sure I’ve loved you since I was five. Before I even knew what that meant.”

And then Odin explodes under me. He stands holding my ass in his hands and taking my mouth in that fast, sexy way that leaves me crazy for him. Our lips come together even as we start pulling at one another’s clothes.

Finally, after years of waiting…the inevitable is happening. Because it was always my destiny to be his. And his, to be mine.

Chapter Fourteen

