Page 17 of Odin

She’s just easy to like too. “Hey, how are you feeling?”

I squint. “Does everyone know I made an idiot out of myself last night because I drank too much?”

She giggles, “No. I was just told to come up and make sure you’re alright.”

“Where’s Odin?”

Her smile slips.

“Where is he, Jinx?”

“Okay so I wasn’t supposed to tell you but it’s hard not to tell you everything. I’m supposed to distract you so you don’t find out that Odin is down in the tombs beating the shit out of the guy who blew his car up and who they all think might have tried to steal you. God, I’m bad at this whole distracting thing, aren’t I?”

“The tombs?”

“That’s what some of the guys call the underground bunker thing that has little cells to hold people who give the Sons trouble. I call it the Dungeon personally.”

“And they have Gideon there.” I don’t ask because I'm already sure of the answer. I jump up and fight through the hangover as I rush to pull clothes on. “Show me, Jinx.”

“Um…,” she looks at me like I just ask her to show me all the club’s secrets, “I don’t think I’m supposed to do that.”

“This is my life, Jinx. I should have a say in it. I’m sick and tired of not being in control of anything.”

She stares at me and then immediately nods. She takes me to a hidden place on the property and shows me where to go once we are inside. In front of the door stands a large man with tattoos and a gruff-looking face. I’ve not met this member…er, brother yet.

“Jinx, god damn it, you had one job.”

“Look Grimm, she has a right to face the guy and find out what is going on. You can’t think that I would take that away from her. My brother should have been smarter than to give me the job.”

“You know I can’t let you go in, Lilith.”


“We decided to give you that nickname since you are our first lady after all and you don’t back down and god damn it, I realize what I am saying even as I’m saying it. You’re not going to give me any peace until I let you through, are you?”

I shake my head with slow deliberate movement, so he knows he’s right. I don’t plan to let up or back down. He steps aside and opens the door for me. It takes my eyes some time to adjust and when they do they light on two other people in the room besides Odin.

Odin himself is standing beside Gideon in nothing but a black tank top and jeans looking hot as hell even when he’s beating answers out of people. I take in his wrapped hands that remind me of what boxers do to their hands before a match and the way Gideon is bloody and tied to a chair, his face swollen so bad he can barely see out of his eyes.

“You shouldn’t be here, Princess.”

Before I can explain myself, Gideon is speaking in quick puffs, “Look! Look at who you chose as a husband. Look at what he’s done to me! Look, Lori, at what you’ve aligned yourself with. He’s a monster!”

“He might be a monster, but he doesn’t sell young girls into slavery. He doesn’t lie to me.”

Gideon narrows his already puffy eyes and spits blood. “Really? Why don’t you ask him about his prison stay? What put him there?”

I turn to Odin and take in his pinched face. He doesn’t want to tell me I can tell.

“Ask him what sent him there?”

“Odin, why did you go to prison?”

Nothing he says will change how I feel about him. Will it?

“I killed a man.”

“Ask him why?”