Page 14 of Odin

When someone brings drinks over, he whispers to them and relaxes back in his chair as if nothing is wrong at all. The entire ‘show’ I sit fuming. I can’t live with someone who is so casually alright with something they know I am not alright with. I never should have let my guard down, never should have trusted Odin just because of our history with one another.

I can’t blame Odin alone for this. I should have known better. I should have realized how corrupt these people are given all the things I’ve found out…all the things I’ve seen. I was just hoping…this time I was wrong, this time things were different because this time was Odin. Damn it, I just wanted it to be alright to like someone the way I like Odin! The way I could have loved Odin given time to allow that feeling to grow. Damn it! Why was I so stupid?

Chapter Eleven



The woman dancing on the stage comes over and lets a man wrap a silk robe around her shoulders. I watch as he takes a seat close by us and pulls the woman down into his arms. My little princess hasn’t lost any of her stiffness since we sat down about thirty minutes ago.

“You wanted to talk to me, Prez?”

“My little bride here is unsure if you are doing what you did on stage because someone is forcing you to.”

“Are you serious?” She laughs and Lori shrinks a little into me, most of the stiffness now gone. Her expression is now one of uncertainty. “If Crash tried to tell me what to do I’d jerk a knot in his ass he would never be able to untangle.”

I look at Lori as she takes in the woman in front of us. I suppose some would find her lovely and tempting but up next to Lori she pales, and her sexual pull dulls remarkedly. Lori is…the secret you’ve always wanted to know and are finally finding. She’s the night before every big holiday with hope and magic just waiting for someone to make theirs. Up next to that, Tempest kind of dims but I’m sure Crash doesn’t feel the same way I do.

“Crash did have a problem with me doing it…he’s a touch jealous but then again all the Sons are over their women.” She turns to give Crash a soft look as he runs his hands over her shoulders and down her back with a gentle stroke. “But after a lot of fighting and me proving my love -my heart is only Crash’s – we came to an agreement. I only ever do it in front of the club -never anywhere else- and Crash is always on stage with me. I usually end up using him more than the pole.”

She rolls her eyes but smiles at her man and gives him a passionate kiss.

“Tempest just loves to dance and being an exhibitionist is just who she is. I wouldn’t change who she is. I love her just the way she is.” This time Crash is the one to speak but even though he is speaking to us he never takes his eyes off Tempest. They used to make me sick - in a playful way, of course. Now, I envy the way they look at each other. Will my princess ever look at me the way Tempest looks at Crash?

Already she’s more relaxed in my arms than she was before. All the fight was taken out of her when she realized how Tempest and Crash are with one another too.

“Oh goodness gracious, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Tempest, well my real name is Tina, but I go by Tempest now. And this is my honey, Crash.”

“Hi. I’m Lori.”

“We know. We were at the wedding but left early since weddings make me horny and I couldn’t keep my hands off my Crash.”

Tempest turns back to Crash and starts kissing him again while Lori murmurs under her breath to me, “Sorry.”

“No need to be sorry, princess. I understand the things that have colored your perceptions of clubs like mine. I just ask that you have an open mind or do exactly like you did and confront me about it. I love the fact you want to protect the girls here.”

She looks into my eyes like she’s trying to judge how truthful my words are before giving me a nod. Trust is not built easily but when it is given by someone like Lori, it’s forever. A treasure given in the hope it will be cherished as such. One day, Lori will give me that gift. I just have to be patient.

Dolly and Poe come over to say hi. Dolly starts talking to Lori as Poe leans down to whisper to me. Dolly does a good job of trying to grab Lori’s attention, but my little princess can tell something is up. She watches as we discuss the new information Poe has given me.

“What is it? What’s going on?”

I can tell she would know the minute I allowed myself to frown. I think about lying to her and telling her nothing is happening, but my mind wraps back around to that whole trust thing we just discussed. And my request that she come to me with things that bother her.

“Do you know a kid named Gideon Kerrell?”

She snarls her nose up at the name. “He…he went to school with me. He asked me out a few times even though I never encouraged him.”

A blush hits her face, and she won’t meet my eyes.

“I told him…um, that I was still hung up on an old boyfriend and that we were on and off again.”

“And?” The blush says there is more to this story. So does the information Poe just gave me.

“And…that’s it. There’s nothing more to tell. Why are you asking about Gideon Kerrell?”

“There’s some talk on the street that he’s the man responsible for our wedding being so explosive.”