Page 12 of Odin

I wipe the tears off her face and stare her dead in the eyes. “I will never let that happen. I know it seems like it will last forever - this time of shitty happenings - but it won’t, baby. It won’t and then we’ll go away together. Just you and me. Just give me a couple of days to go hunting. Just give me a couple of days.”

I don’t like how she’s talking like it is already over. I won’t let her give up. She stares me in the eyes before giving me a small smile.

“’This time of shitty happenings’? What are you, some kind of eighteenth-century poet of something?”

“Hey, give me a break. My mind is still back at the reception thinking about you wiggling that little ass all over my lap.”

Her eyes go big and round.

“And if you don’t stop crying, because seeing you so torn up kills me, I’m going to have to eat your little pussy again.”

She gives me a surprised snort/laugh before mumbling something that sounds a lot like ‘threaten me with a good time’.

“Really?” I give her a mischievous smile before taking her by the ankle and pulling her down further on the couch. I reach up under the skirt of her dress and tug the tiny pale blue panties down her legs. “Something blue?”

She nods and a pretty pink blush hits her cheeks. I trail my eyes down the little tuff of curls she has left at the very top of her valley and lick my lips.

“And something new.”

Her eyes widen as I lower my head and run my nose up her center, dragging in a breath that’s full of Lori. So sweet, so mouthwatering. I push my tongue inside her soft as peach fuzz pussy and roll my tongue over her clit. She cries out so sweetly. I build her up slowly knowing there is no longer any rush. She’s mine. My last name is now her last name. And soon, she’ll be mine in every way.

I’m a patient man. I can wait to have her in that way. For now, I’m content with eating her little candy pussy and breathing through the worst of the chub that’s taken up permanent residence in my pants. I eat her to a big orgasm that has her eyes closing and her breathing deepening as she drifts off to sleep. I step back and look down at my pretty little wife with her well-pleased pussy on full display still lying in the wedding dress she made her own.

I was never a prouder person when Lori stepped out with her new haircut and the newly-altered dress her mother told her she had to wear because it was tradition. I brush a strand of newly cut hair back from her cheek and watch her sleep. But soon, watching isn’t enough.

Soon, I’m taking my dick in my hand and standing over her. I said I would wait, and I will but that doesn’t mean I can’t go through with other plans, I can’t make her mine in a whole new way. I shuffle my hand back and forth before the pressure is just too much. Cum splashes on my princess’s pussy and lower belly. Just seeing it there makes me have to do it all over again.

By the time I’ve cum on Lori and rubbed enough of me in her that I feel I’ve left my mark, she’s down deep and I am even more certain I have to take care of this shit quickly so we can move on with our lives. I turn and take one more look at my future before I shut the door and make my way downstairs. Poe is below, waiting.

“The boys are in the meeting room. We figured once you got Lori settled you’d want to meet.”

I give his shoulder a squeeze and both of us make our way to the room.

“What do you have for me?”

“I have the police report from the incident with Lori and her friend, Joanne. You wanted to look over it.”

I nod and take it.

“They were supposed to be meeting so Joanne could give her the names of some of the women and children in this human trafficking ring Lori was going after. Joanne was one of the victims and Lori was trying to help her find her way out as well as investigating the ring. She was running late according to her that night and,” Poe looks down at a copy of the file, “Odin, if she had been five minutes earlier or even on time, she would have been right beside Joanne.”

I fight back the bitter taste rising in my throat and scan the report looking for anything that might tell me what the hell is going on.

“According to some of Lori’s fellow students, Lori had been warned to stay away from Joanne and to stop looking into the trafficking.”

That would have only made Lori hang on tighter, push harder. I know that much with every fiber of my being. Lori is a woman who does not like to be told what to do or how to feel. And damned if that isn’t one of the things I find most admirable about her.

“What do we know about this Joanne.”

“She worked as a prostitute for the last five years, has no known relatives and…died right in front of your woman, Prez.” Pyro looks up at me with sorrow in his eyes. Being married and going home to Nori has made him sympathetic to those who watch something they shouldn’t. I look around the table at the men sitting in front of me. All of us have that running deep in our blood because of the shit we’ve seen and been through. Our ladies should not have to go through it.

“Prez,” I can already tell this next part is not going to be good by how Pyro is telling me, “she’s known to the local MCs as a recruiter.” A recruiter means she helped the traffickers draw younger girls in. A worry starts to gnaw at my mind and I have to squeeze my hand into a fist in order not to slam it down and demand to know more. My men will find what we need to know. I just have to be patient.

“Find out more. Give me those names she had, if she ever had any and find the man under the leader, the next in command. That is where we’re going to find our answers. Bring the man in…to me.”

I’ll have my answers as soon as the man is locked in a room with me. And if they were attempting what I think they were…heaven help the men who think they can hunt my princess down. They’re about to find out this princess comes with her own dragon and I have no problem chewing people up and spitting them out.

Chapter Ten