Over the course ofmy career, I hadn’t made many purchases on an impulse. But The Digital Owl was small enough that it didn’t require too many funds to buy them. The trio hadn’t been difficult to win over once I made it clear that they’d have creative freedom. My team was easily convinced as well. Probably because if it turned out to be unprofitable, we could simply close it, or they could buy it back. But I knew in my bones that it would do well.
“Let’s do this,” I told Joe. We were standing in front of the meeting room. Jenna, Diego, and Juliet were already inside.
“You’ve got a good feeling about it?” he asked.
“I don’t do anything I’m not 100 percent sure of.”
The Digital Owl would keep my mother’s legacy going.The Vulturecould focus on other subjects. It was a win-win.
There was risk with any new venture. We stepped into the meeting room. Juliet, Diego, and Jenna were sitting next to one another.
"Changed your mind already? You seemed to hesitate in the doorway," Juliet asked.
"No, not at all,” I replied smoothly.
"For a moment there, I thought you got cold feet," Diego said.
Joe and I exchanged a glance. It was good to have someone that challenged us in an unassuming way.
"HR and finance will be in touch about all the details, but we have a deal." I shook hands with each one of them, and so did Joe. Then we made small talk right up until they left.
Once I was alone in the office, I checked the time. It was three o'clock, and I had planned to be home at four, but I suddenly had a stroke of inspiration.
I knew Penny liked to have a decaf cappuccino as an afternoon treat. I headed to the Starbucks nearest to the house. The day had been exhilarating, and I couldn't wait to share this info with the family, but first I wanted to share it with Penny. I usually made it a point not to announce news before the ink was dry. And we hadn't signed any contracts yet. But I was breaking all my rules for Penny. One more wouldn't matter.
At the coffee shop, I grabbed a drink for her and one for myself before getting back in the car. This was a good day. I’d finally found a solution that I was happy with for the biography section.
The drive home took three minutes. I pulled the car up in front of the house and immediately went to Taylor's front door, knocking a couple of times.
"I'll be right out," Penny said. And then I heard her gasp. "Spencer, what are you doing here?" she asked without opening the door.
"I'm early and wanted to surprise you."
"Can you give me a few minutes?"
My pulse became erratic. She sounded like she was hiding something. "Why?"
"I'm not decent."
"I've seen you indecent, Penny." A vein thrummed in my temple. "Are you with someone?" I asked.Fuck me. Say no.
The door swung open the next second.
"What did you just say?"
Now I understood what she meant by indecent. She had white goo on her face and was holding two slices of cucumbers in her hand. Her eyes were cold.
"Never mind," I said. "I brought you decaf cappuccino. And you don’t look indecent at all." I stepped inside.
She closed the door, crossing her arms over her chest. "Don't think you're off the hook."
"Please, Penny."
"No, I mean it. How could you believe I was with someone else? Why would you jump to that conclusion first thing?"
I exhaled sharply, putting the coffee cups on the small umbrella stand. "I overreacted. I’m sorry."
"You don't trust me."