Page 86 of Falling for the CEO

After closing the door, I went and made myself yet another coffee even though I’d had enough already. I smiled as I ate a second scone and sent a message to Spencer.

Penny: I got the scones. That was thoughtful. Thank you so much.

Spencer: I wish you a great day, beautiful.

Penny: And you too.

I had a lightbulb moment after the third scone. I knew just how to spoil Ben and Spencer tonight. After finishing yet another scone, I decided to call Mom. I hadn't heard from her in a while.

She answered right away. "Hey, honey."

"How are you?" I asked her.

"I’m well. All good."

"Uh-oh, I know that voice. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just a bit flustered this morning. One of my chickens ran away.”

I couldn’t stop my laugh.

“Hey, this is serious!”

“Sorry, Mom.”

I finally sat on the couch, careful not to bother the cats. The twins were sleeping on it.

"How is it going over there?" she asked me.

"You know, the usual."

"How is your neighbor treating you?"

I told my mom I was dating Spencer, and she wouldn't shut up about him since.

"I don't want to get my hopes up," I said because it was the truth.

"Oh, honey, I'm all for being rational, but don't be too careful."

"This is strange advice coming from you. You're always overly cautious."

"Where did that get me? I'm almost dead and still alone."

"Mom." I never knew she felt lonely. She always said she didn't want a man cramping her style.

"I don't miss living with a man," she said quickly in the same stern voice I always associated with her. "I don't want to have to mother another grown man, but companionship wouldn't be bad."

I seized the moment. "That would be much easier if you weren't out in the middle of nowhere."

My mom burst out laughing. "Oh, I love you. But I have to run. Need to find that damn chicken."

"I love you too, Mom."

"Take care."

"I will."

After hanging up, I realized I had a missed call from Taylor.