Page 82 of Falling for the CEO

Her priorities amazed me.

“I already ordered it, and it’s custom-made. It should be delivered any day now.”

“I’ll pick up the tab.”

“Thanks. I’m trying to curb my spending. I even canceled my last hair appointment.”

I frowned. Naomi never respected money. She spent it like it was endless. She wasn’t telling me the whole truth.

"How about your guy? Why isn't he helping out?"

She looked at her feet. "Gregory broke up with me."

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Really? You won't say anything like karma bit me back?"

“I don't want bad things to happen to you," I told her honestly. "You're Ben's mom."

"Anyway, I've got the next two gigs lined up. After that, it's all dried up for a bit."

"If you have more time, you can come around and spend it with Ben."

She shook her head. "No, that's not going to help me get out of this slump. I have to go out and fight for gigs. Besides, you seem to have it all under control. Sooo... that was Penny, huh?"

"I don't like your tone.”

"I'm sorry! She just has no sense of style and is seven levels beneath you, driving a Ford."

"That's rich, coming from someone who just said she’s in financial difficulties."

"That's different," she said nonchalantly. "We both come from money. Mine's just dried up. Anyway, I would never have stepped out of the house like that."

"Don't you dare trash-talk Penny."

She was the most amazing person I’d met, and seeing the difference between these two women was a true eye-opener. I had no idea what I ever saw in Naomi, and I was starting to regret that she was Ben’s mom... Why couldn’t it have been Penny?

"I was only going to mention the obvious. You and Penny are from very distinct worlds. I don't see how that's going to work."

"You and I aren't from distinct worlds, and look how that turned out," I said coldly.

"Yes, well, I've made a lot of mistakes in my life," she said, and then glanced straight at me. "This was one of them. I shouldn't have left. I'm sorry about that. I don't think I ever said the words out loud."

"I appreciate you saying them now," I replied.

I would have preferred to hear them months ago, but it was better late than never. Then again, I only regretted the fact that she'd left and I hadn’t been part of the pregnancy experience. But Naomi and I would never have worked out long-term. We were two different people. Our values were different.

After she left, I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. I was never in a good mood after Naomi’s visits. I usually liked to head out, or if that wasn't possible, then hop on the treadmill and work out. But right now, all I wanted was Penny back, so I texted her.

Spencer: She's gone. Want to join me for a glass of wine?

Penny: Sure.

I let out a huge breath of relief. A few minutes later, I heard a light knock at the front door. I opened it for her.

"I thought it best if I didn't ring a bell in case Ben is napping."

"He is." I loved that she was so thoughtful.