I didn't know how to explain without sounding silly, but the fact that he wasn't making a big thing out of this, that he wasn't shaming me or putting me down, was surreal. Not just that, but he was worried about me. Spencer made me feel important, and Isoneeded that.
“Just trust me,” I murmured.
Spencer started arranging ingredients around the pan.
"What are you making?"
"Eggs and bacon."
"Do you have everything you need?"
"Yep. I bought bacon at the market."
“I wasn’t paying attention.”
"Penny, do you want to talk about it? Sometimes it's good to get things off your chest."
"I’ll speak to Taylor about it."
He looked up from the pan. "Or you can tell me."
"You don't want to hear any of that."
"Oh fuck, are you going to contradict me on everything? I want to know." He got closer, cupping my face again. "I need to know."
"No, you don’t."
"If you don't like to share, that's fine, but don't stay silent just because you think you're going to make me uncomfortable."
"You're right. I’d like to speak to you about everything, but I’m just not used to... Never mind," I said while he stepped back behind the pan. I focused on those sexy hands moving around with proficiency.
"I guess... I’m stunned that he was with her during our marriage, and I never realized it until today. I was so intent on making things work and blaming myself for it that I didn't stop to think that maybe something else was going on. And our friends knew."
"I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"It's not easy, and I feel stupid for not realizing what was going on all along."
"Don't blame yourself. None of this is your fault."
He put bacon in the frying pan and grabbed a spatula. The smell of bacon filled the air. Ben giggled. I loved the sound of that. Pure happiness and joy.
"Then how come people stay married for decades, and I had to fight tooth and nail for my marriage and still lost it? Maybe I shouldn't have fought that hard, especially when I realized that..."
"What?" Spencer asked.
"I think I fell out of love with him a long time ago. I just told myself it was a phase all couples go through. That we'd gain back our spark.” I snapped my fingers, like I was having a lightbulb moment. "Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I just want to forget it happened. I was doing a good job before he showed up at the farmers’ market today."
"That's what you need?" Spencer asked.
I nodded. "Yes, 100 percent"
His face opened with a smile. "I'm at your command."
I burst out laughing. "Are you kidding me? You like to boss me around when we’re in bed."
"Yes," Spencer replied. He dropped his voice, glancing at the baby. Oh, was he cute or what? He was worried that a three-month-old would understand him.