"I totally agree."
Having her here in my bathroom and my home felt more perfect than anything I’d experienced in months—years maybe. It was a foreign feeling to me. But I could get used to it.
Chapter Sixteen
"Are you sure you wantus to head out of the house?" I asked Spencer the next morning. He was currently pacing the living room and burping the baby. I could watch him do this all day. "Because I'm happy if we stay in and you continue doing whatever you need to do while I drink you in. Sounds like a fair deal."
"I promised the three of us we’d go out."
The three of us. He made us sound like a family.
You’re having a fling, Penny. Stop thinking you’re a family.
I wanted to jump him when he said things like that, and I yearned to cuddle Ben too. He was adorable and tiny. Next to Spencer, he seemed so small. Right now, he was curled on his dad's shoulder, holding his tiny fists under his head. His legs were bunched up too. He really looked like a small doll while enjoying being carried around. I didn't blame him.
Spencer had already drunk a coffee. I had too, and now we were going out and about in the city. I didn't know sleepovers or spending Saturdays together were part offlings, but I loved it.
Before leaving, I went next door to take Becky for a walk and then fed everyone and cleaned the litter boxes. When I came out of the house, Spencer had already put Ben in the car seat.
"Can I secure him in the back?" I asked, eager to spend more time with him.
"Sure. You know how to do it?"
"Yes," I assured him. Spencer stood one step behind me. He probably wanted to double-check what I did afterwards, but that was just fine. Ben's safety came first.
I leaned over him, securing the seatbelt. Then Ben wrapped his tiny fist around a strand of my hair, tugging a bit, and giggled at me.
"Oh, you're so adorable. I'm melting right here. Want to let go of my hair? I can give you my finger instead." Ben giggled some more but then let go of my hair and grabbed my finger. He squeezed it with surprising force for such a tiny thing. I kissed his cheek and then his nose. I wanted to eat him, I swear to God. He was too damn adorable.
Then he let go of my finger, and I straightened up.
"Are you ready to go?" Spencer asked.
"Oh yeah."