Page 55 of Falling for the CEO

She gasped. "You have this amazing freestanding bathtub, and you don't use it? I would live in it if I were you. But you can pour in any shampoo, and I think it'll make bubbles."

"Good point," I said. Grabbing my shampoo, I poured some under the stream of water. She was right. It was turning into foam right in front of my eyes. I wanted to check the water temperature too, but just then, she went to put a foot inside.

"No, wait. Let me check." I dipped a hand right in front of her thighs, blocking her legs, and ran my hand under the stream. “It’s hot.” I turned it to medium heat. "Wait, I’ll put some cold water so it cools down."

"Okay." Her voice sounded uneven. I looked up at her, and she quickly glanced away.

I stood abruptly. "Penny, is everything okay?"

She turned to look at me, fiddling with her thumbs. "I don't even know how to react to all this."

"What, the bathroom?"

"No, Spencer, you. You checked the water temperature because I might burn myself. I... Never mind."

I realized that no matter what I said, it would be impossible to explain. I had to show her how important she was, and I was going to be very thorough about it. I dipped my hand in the water. "Safe now. You can get in."

She didn't need telling twice. She immediately stepped inside and slid down into the bubbles.

"I shouldn't have used the shampoo," I said.

"Why not?"

"Because now I can’t see you."

Penny grinned. "So, you were doing this for your benefit too."

"Obviously. I like looking at you, Penny."

"Hmm. We can do something better. You can jump in with me, and then you’ll be able to feel me."

"Woman, why are you tempting me like this?"

"It might have been my plan all along. Might." She winked.

I turned hard just listening to her. This woman had an interesting effect on my libido.

"I haven't used the tub at all since I moved in," I said. "You're the first person who’s ever been in it."

"You can't let this great tub go to waste. In fact, I can volunteer to come over and use it, so it doesn't get all rusty." She paused. "I didn't mean to invite mys—I mean, forget I said that. It was just a joke."

I sat in the tub at the opposite end and grabbed her ankles. "Forget about it? It sounds like the best idea ever. Besides, if you use it, I can watch you. One thing will lead to another. Next time I'll make sure not to put in so much shampoo."

"Next time," she mumbled, lying with her head against the tub. She lifted her blonde hair, arranging it so it flowed over the edge of the tub. "This reminds me so much of when I was a kid," she said. "I used to love baths. Mom would only allow me to take them twice a year."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, it takes a lot of water, and it wasn't so easy to pay for it."

Sometimes I forgot what a privileged upbringing I'd had. Sure, my parents' marriage had imploded, and the fallout had been insane, but I still had it way easier than others, growing up.

"Where exactly does your mom live in Arizona?" I asked.

"In the middle of nowhere. I wish she would move to a city—somewhere she’d have all the facilities she needs. I taught her how to use the internet, and we regularly chat on WhatsApp, but I still worry about her.

“I once asked her to move to Phoenix, which is the closest city to her, and I'll never forget the death stare she gave me. But at least she agreed to install outdoor cameras. I don't check often, but it gives me peace of mind when she's not answering her phone. At least I can make sure nothing happened to her, like a bad fall or something.”

“You're a great person, Penny.” I couldn't imagine what that must be like. I'd always been right around the corner from my grandparents. We worried about them even though we saw them often.