Page 44 of Falling for the CEO


"Why don't you ask us what we want?" I asked.

"Dude, the whole point of the bar is that you get a surprise drink."

"Is it?" I said, looking around. "You're a fucking genius."

"It's going to be a big draw," Jake said. "You’ll crush the competition."

"Let's shut off our business brains for now," Cade suggested.

"No, don't," Gabe said. "I welcome feedback."

As the youngest, he'd always been very receptive to whatever we had to say. Most of us gave each other shit whenever one tried to meddle but not Gabe.

"So, what did I miss?" Colton said, tapping his chin. "You had a baby, and you two got hitched up." He pointed at Jake and Cade. "I know Grandmother is even more determined than usual to meddle in our lives."

"And she does it surprisingly successfully," Cade said. He sounded like he could barely believe his own words.

“So why isn’t she continuing the... project?” Colton asked.

Cade and I exchanged a glance. Colton probably already forgot that Grandmother mentioned Penny on everyone’s first visit at the house. Or maybe he thought she’d dropped it.

I decided to throw everything out in the open. "She is. She has her eyes on me. And... sheisonto something."

My brothers turned to me. Gabe stopped mixing the drinks.

"What? I thought she was too busy babysitting. When would she even have time to set you up with someone?" Jake asked.

"Grandmother has no problems multitasking," I said nonchalantly.

"You're serious?" This came from Cade.


"With who?" Colton seemed genuinely interested, which was something I wasn't used to. He'd only lent us half an ear the past few years.

"My neighbor."

Gabe shook his head and went back to prepping the drinks.

"She's not actually my neighbor," I clarified. "She's just house-sitting for a while."

"Look, you can tell Grandmother to mind her own business. You don’t need anyone finding women for you,” Colton said.

My facial expression must have alerted him that he was way off. I could barely hold back laughter.

"Fuck me, she's done it again, hasn’t she?" Gabe asked.

"I like Penny," I said. There was no hesitation in my voice.

Colton and Gabe exchanged a glance.

"We're toast," Gabe exclaimed. "I can feel it in my bones. The rest of us can say goodbye to our bachelorhood."

Colton looked from Gabe back to me. "All right, that's your business." A few seconds later, he added, "Wait, no, bloody hell. You shouldn’t—”

"What are you doing, channeling your inner Brit?" Gabe interrupted.