Page 31 of Falling for the CEO

Chapter Ten


“Why are you back soearly?” Grandmother asked when I arrived home. "I hoped you and your brothers would go out or something and give me some more time with him. He's adorable, Spencer.”

She was strolling the living room, holding Ben carefully. He was awake and suspiciously still.

“I’m so glad I have a great-grandchild. I know this isn’t how you imagined becoming a father—”

“Finding out I had a son out of the blue? Kind of made me feel like Dad even though the situation couldn’t be any more different.”

Grandmother stopped pacing. “Spencer, the apple fellveryfar from the tree. Look, I love my son very much. A mother can't stop caring about her children, but he isn't a good person. You are. Now, how about going outside in the yard? I’ll stay for a bit longer, and we can chat.”

"Sure," I said. "I can carry him."

"No, no, no. I want to get as much time as possible with him before he grows too big for my arms and I can't keep up with him."

It was good that Grandmother was realistic about that, at least, though I was sure that when the time came, she’d fight me on it.

There was a knowing glint in Grandmother’s eyes. She was up to something. I was sure of it. As we stepped outside, I realized exactly what. Penny was in her courtyard again, singing while she cleaned the windows. This time, she wasn't being subtle. She was singing at the top of her lungs. I glanced away, exhaling sharply. Fuck! I couldn’t even look at her without remembering vividly how her body felt against mine. She’d tasted amazing.

"Oh, she's lovely."

"I agree," I said. Big mistake. The glint in Grandmother’s eyes turned from knowing to triumphant.

Penny stopped abruptly, straightening up and looking at us. “I keep forgetting that you can see... and hear so easily from one yard to the other. I’m so sorry."

"Never mind. We were enjoying the show." I loved seeing her blush.

She looked at Grandmother and then back at me. "I was really loud, wasn't I?"

Grandmother said nothing.

I was still fighting my laughter, but I wasn't going to be able to withhold it for too long. "Yeah, you were. I think half the street might have heard you."

She winced. "Whoops."