"You'd like to go for another walk, huh? Sorry to disappoint, girl. I've had too much wine for that. I'd only end up injuring myself. Then again, maybe my sexy neighbor will take care of me again." She barked louder, looking straight at me.
"You like him too, don't you? So do I."
Chapter Nine
"If you can't get himto sleep, Agatha taught me that it helps to massage his temples." I showed Gran the precise movements.
She was glancing at me intently, nodding. "That is so smart." She insisted she wanted to watch him today so I could play tennis with my half brothers. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I felt guilty leaving him.Damn it, Spencer. Get your shit together.
It made Grandmother happy to stay with him, and I wanted Ben to bond with her. As if on cue, Ben yawned and then immediately fell asleep.
Grandmother pouted. “Do you think he's going to wake up again?"
I couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, Grandmother, I promise you that he will."
"All right. I want to cuddle him, but I don't want to wake him up."
"Don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunities," I said. "I've left a list on the fridge with everything you need."
"Spencer, darling, relax. It's only for a few hours, okay? I promise you that I will do things exactly as they are on the list, and if anything happens, I'll call you."
"Thank you, Grandmother," I said. I kissed her cheek and grabbed my bag, leaving the house before I could change my mind.
I headed to Nick’s fitness club for the weekly tennis match. Until recently, it was just Cade meeting with them, but I’d joined the group when he was too distracted to play well. We’d all been wondering what was going on—turned out he was thinking about Meredith instead of the game.
"And the prodigal brother returns, " Maddox exclaimed when I joined them on the court. Maddox, Leo, and Nick looked less like our father than my brothers and I did. We had the trademark Whitley blue eyes and dark brown hair. Our half brothers’ eye colors were all different, and their hair was black. I’d once seen a picture of their mother. They took after her a lot.
"Good to have you back, man," Nick said.
Leo narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure you're able to play? Because you look like shit."
I burst out laughing. "I've had a rough night, but this is my new normal, so take it or leave it. You won't see me in a better shape for the foreseeable future."
"You're not on my team, then," Leo teased.