"It's now just you and me, buddy," I told Ben while I gave him a bath. It was his favorite moment of the day. If I was honest, it was mine too. He thoroughly relaxed when he was surrounded by warm water. I'd learned a massage technique from Agatha that Ben liked, and it really calmed him. After taking him out of the water, I continued the massage along his tummy and back. He rewarded me with a giggle and what I like to call the Scrunch, which was when he stretched his arms out and then rolled himself into a ball.
To my astonishment, he fell asleep the second I put him in the bed. That didn't mean he wouldn't wake up again, but I took it as a good omen. He looked even more adorable than usual when he was asleep. I had to fight my instincts not to lean over him and kiss his forehead because if I did that, he’d wake up for sure.
I watched him for a few more moments, then took the monitor and left his room. I headed outside into the backyard.
I was just about to sit down at the outdoor table when I heard a familiar voice. I turned around, smiling. Penny was in her backyard too, by the looks of it, cleaning her outdoor table and singing. It was dark outside, but I could make her shape out just fine because she was close to the outdoor lamp.
"Now, that is something to come home to," I said loudly.
She gasped and then stumbled over her own feet.
Oh, for fuck's sake. I didn't want her to get hurt because of meagain.
"Oh my God, you scared me!" she exclaimed as she righted herself.
"Yeah, I just realized that. My bad."
She smiled, and damn, I liked it. When she told me about her divorce the other day, I barely refrained from asking more, but I didn't want to push too much. I understood her need for privacy.
I was insanely attracted to her despite everything I’d told Grandmother. In fact, I suspected I’d been so vocal about not wanting anything with Penny because I was trying to convince myself as much as Grandmother.
"I wanted to sit outside, then realized the table is all dirty.”
I didn't want us to spend our evening separately in our yards. Why not become friends? Penny was only staying here for a while. There was no danger of this turning into something inappropriate.
My body disagreed. I couldn’t stop from checking her out. I took in a deep breath, whipping my thoughts together.
"Do you want wine? I have a really good one."
She took out her earbud, smiling widely. "Who am I to turn down wine? But are you sure?”
"Yeah. Besides, I still have to make it up to you for scaring you and Becky. I'll help you down here. I wouldn't want you to fall down."
"Oh no, we wouldn't want that," she muttered.
She was wearing long pants tonight. I would have liked to see those gorgeous legs again.
"Want to come down here? I'll hold your hand," I said, reaching up. Taylor’s yard was three feet higher than my own because the entire street was uphill.
"Um, okay." She gripped my outstretched hand, biting her lower lip. "Maybe I should just go to the front door," she muttered. "Oh, what the hell."
"You can put a hand on my shoulder."
"Too late." She jumped down, colliding with me. I braced myself, planting my feet wide apart, and put a hand on her waist.
"Holy shit, I'm so sorry," she exclaimed.
I held her firmly. She wasn't wearing a bra—I was sure of it. Her breasts were full and soft, pressing against my chest. I looked down at her. She parted her lips slightly. Her nipples pebbled against me. I swallowed hard.Rein yourself in, Spencer. You're better than this.Despite everything, all I wanted to do was kiss her. When she jutted out the tip of her tongue, licking her lower lip, I had to take a step back. I needed some distance. I needed to be able to clear my mind.
"I survived the super-dangerous jump," she said. Her voice was uneven. Her round, brown eyes were darker than usual. She’d pulled her hair over one shoulder yet again. It looked so silky that I barely kept my fingers to myself. Even though she wasn’t petite, she felt small in my arms. "Hey, your yard is a bit larger than Taylor’s."
"Is it? I'm going to head inside and get the wine. What do you want: white or red?"
"I'll have anything, honestly. I'm not picky when it comes to wine."
"I'll bring you something good."
She sat down at the small table, grabbing the baby monitor. "Oh, that's so cute. He’s like an angel."