Page 118 of Falling for the CEO

"I was hoping to get to do them at some point. When do they want me to go?"

"They said they can even do tonight. The faster, the better. Do you have something going on today?"

She frowned. "No, but I do have to go home and pick a few outfits. I don't want to wear the same ones I did in the videos I just made. Just one night?”

“They’d prefer if you stayed two to film.”

“Let me think about it. I've got to coordinate the pets."

I looked at her and mouthed that I could stay with them.

"Oh wait, Penny just told me she wants to do it. So that would work. We need an hour until I’m back home, and then I'll pack real quick and be on my way. I think I can be there in about three hours."

"Good, I'll tell them."

"Bye." After hanging up, she grinned at me. "I think this is a sign."

"For what?"

"That you were meant to spend some more time at my house. And with you know who!"

I laughed. "Taylor, I don't want to get used to the mansion."

We arrived at her home one hour later, on the dot.

It was a good thing I had my carry-on with me. I still had some clean clothes.

“Do you need help?" I called out loudly from the guest bedroom. She was in the master bedroom, packing a new bag.

"No, I'm good," she said. "I have all the outfits I need."

Twenty minutes later, she was ready to go. I walked with her downstairs and to the front door.

"Aaaand," she said, "if you want to drop by and check on a certain hot neighbor, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea."

I frowned. "I can’t believe you changed your mind so drastically. You were singing a different tune yesterday morning."

"But from everything you've told me about Spencer, he seems like a great guy. By the way, Becky is close.”

As if the dog heard Taylor mention her name, she sprinted into the room, straight to me.

"Hey, Becky, did you miss me?" She barked twice. "I'll take that as a yes." She barked three more times.

"That means she loves you," Taylor said. “I took care of the kitties already. Boxes are clean too.”

"I'd actually been looking forward to feeding them." They were extra friendly when they saw me coming with food.

"You’re a darling. Thank you so much for staying.” She bit her lip, sighing. "I'm so sorry for being so hard on you when you first told me that you wanted to say no to the job. I just..."

She sighed again, taking me in her arms. "I think I just remembered how excited you were when you and Jackass first got together, and I figured... you know, history was repeating itself."


"I know, I know." She let go of me, taking a step back. "It's not the same. Spencer is nothing like that jackass, and he makes you happy, which is honestly all I've hoped for you."

"Thanks. I want to talk to Spencer about everything... I’m just not sure what to say.”

"I wish I could help, but as you can see, I’m still single. Communicating with the opposite sex is not my strong suit. But what I can do is take care of you and spoil you once I'm back."