Page 109 of Falling for the CEO

“He's with Jeannie and Abe. They are dropping him off, I think, in about five minutes."

"Okay. So, my timing isn't so bad.” She flashed me a weird smile, and I started toward Taylor’s house.

"I can't believe you and Spencer are still a thing," she said after I took a few steps.

I turned around abruptly. "What?"

"You're not his type."

I folded my arms over my chest, and I realized I couldn't do that without risking dropping the bag with the sexy lingerie in it. So I just squeezed it to my chest.

"What exactly is his type?"

She smiled wickedly. "Someone from his world. You know... glamorous with status, money. I love that you try though. That dresscouldcount. Although it’s clearly off-the-rack."

I wasn't going to let her insult me. "I don't know what your deal is, but you can't put me down and think I'll just take it. I'm very confident in my fashion choices, thank you very much. And I'm not trying to impress you or please you."

She took a step back as if I'd actually shouted at her, then held her hands up. "Suit yourself," she said. “But don’t get your hopes up. You two won’t last. He’ll come to his senses and realize what’s best for him. Or...whois best for him.”

I cocked a brow. “Spencer is smart. He knows exactly what he needs. And that’s me.”

She snorted before going into the house. I was fuming as I hurried inside Taylor’s home. The last thing I needed was for Jeannie and Abe to see me dressed like this.



This morning refusedto end. Naomi arrived before my grandparents and stayed for over an hour. The good part was that my grandparents decided to hang around.

"I'm glad that Spencer is trusting us enough to leave our great grandson with us overnight. He was a darling," Grandmother said.

My grandfather looked like he was about to doze off midconversation, so I had a hunch that everything hadn't gone as smoothly as my grandmother pretended. It was insanely hard to sleep in increments of one or two hours.

“Spencer is very lucky to have you,” Naomi said. "It's one of the reasons why I figured it would be better if he had full custody.”

My grandmother had a stony expression on her face as she sipped coffee. I’d never seen her try so hard to control her reactions.

"Right, okay, I'll be going, then," Naomi said finally, standing up. My grandparents did the same.

"Yes, I think we've encroached on Spencer enough," Grandfather said.

My grandparents left the house first.

“I’ll take him upstairs to put him to sleep,” I said.

“Okay. I’ll wait for you here. There’s something I need to talk to you about.”

Naomi kissed Ben's forehead, and then I carried him upstairs. He conked out minutes after I put him in his crib—more proof that he probably didn't sleep too much last night.

When I came downstairs, Naomi was pacing the living room. It dawned on me that she’d never—not once—asked if she could have Ben stay the night. I was raising my son and was grateful for the opportunity. Naomi could be in his life in any capacity she wanted, but I wasn't going to force motherhood on her. And the more I was around her, the more certain I was I had absolutely no interest in her.

The only woman I wanted was Penny.

“He’s asleep,” I said.

“That was fast.”

“What did you want to talk to me about?”