Page 38 of Cross the Line

“He isn’t going to hate you. He wouldn’t have you here if he did.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I saw the way he was holding onto you. There’s no way he’s going to regret what happened,” Evie chimes in. I give her a small smile and look back over at Cross. I can only hope they’re right. I can only pray he doesn’t hate me one day. He turns his head, and our eyes collide. The air is sucked from my lungs as I look at how perfect he is. He nods once and then turns back to his conversation with the guys.

“God, that look. I remember that look,” Evie sighs.

“What look?”

“The one when he wants to devour you. Drake gets that look, and nothing can compare to that look.”

“Do you guys think I’m crazy for this? For being with him?”

“Absolutely not. Cross was off when you left. He wasn’t thinking straight, and he surely wasn’t himself. He cares about you, Raven. I don’t think your past is something he cares about as much as you think he does.”

“It was his half-brother,” I remind them.

“Did you know? That Cross was Luke’s brother.” I lower my eyes before I nod my head. I knew back then I shouldn’t mess with Cross, but there was this undeniable pull to him.

“I knew. I know I shouldn’t have done anything with Cross or even looked his way, but there was something there. I could feel it, and I wanted it. I needed it.”

“Girl, you do not have to explain that to us. We know that feeling,” Cheryl says.

“You do?”

“Yeah, neither of our relationships started in a normal way. Trust me,” Evie says. I smile, knowing I’m not alone in this.

“I just feel like he’s going to regret it later,” I tell them. They both nod their head toward Cross, and I turn my head to look over. His eyes are burning through me.

“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”

“God, he’s perfect,” I whisper. The girls laugh, but I hold Cross’s stare. There’s something deeper in those eyes than anyone could ever know.

“He’s got it bad,” Cheryl says.

“I think I do, too,” I murmur, finally pulling my gaze from his. Cheryl slides me another shot, which I take.

“What’s he like when it’s only you two?” No one has ever asked me such a question, and I’m unsure how to answer it.

“I know it’s an odd question, but the guys are always so hard and tough when the other guys are around. Demon shows me another side of him when we’re alone. It’s sweet and caring, although he likes to be in charge,” Cheryl tells me.

“He’s the same. He’s just Cross. I don’t see any difference in him when we’re alone than when we’re with everyone.” As the words leave my lips, my hair is pulled back, so my head tips backward. Lips cover mine in a kiss that rivals all others. My body trembles, and the need for more sparks in my chest. Just as quickly as Cross kissed me, he pulled away and walked back to the table he was sitting at.

“Well damn. I suppose that answers that,” Evie laughs.

“That was hot as hell,” Cheryl adds. A few of the club girls whistle as my cheeks heat. I bring my fingers to my lips and hold them there. He doesn’t hate me. That wasn’t the kiss of a man who hates someone.

Chapter Nineteen


There’s an ache in my chest that I can’t figure out. I know I made the right choice when I look at her. I know we did what was right. But there’s still an ache there. One that I can’t place. I don’t know if it’s from killing Luke or letting it happen. It doesn’t bother me knowing he’s gone. He traded her. Luke sent her into that hell, and the thought makes me want to kill him again.

“You’re still thinkin’ about it,” Drake says as I toss back my shot.

“I don’t know why. He deserved what he got,” I tell him.

“Yeah, he did. And I made sure he paid for what he did to her,” he adds. I nod my head. None of that bothers me as it should. I thought I would feel some kind of way about what happened. He was blood, and that should mean something, shouldn’t it? But it doesn’t. It means nothing to me.