Page 36 of Cross the Line


“I’m worried, Rob.”

“He wasn’t there. The place is empty. Looks like he left,” I tell her.

“He wouldn’t just leave! He isn’t you.”

“Guess neither of us was worth your time,” I tell her before pulling the phone away from my ear and hanging up. Before I put the phone back on the dresser, I block her number. This is it. This is the end of the road for us. I can’t listen to her talk about her favorite son. I can’t listen to her worry over him anymore.

I climb back over to the bed, pulling Raven on top of me. I need to feel her weight. I need to hold her. I need so many things from this woman that she has no fucking idea about.

I run my hand up and down her back, and she sighs, relaxing on top of me.

“You left me. I should have spanked your ass and made you pay for that. I thought I was goin’ slowly insane without you here,” I tell her. She shifts, and I know she isn’t asleep. “Talk to me.”

“I hated leaving you. It tore my heart out. You’re the only one who has ever cared about me. The only one who’s taken me as I am. You didn’t care what they did to me or carved up my body. You just took me,” she whispers.

“I don’t care about the scars, Raven. I care about your heart.”

“And you have it. You have my heart.”

“Shit’s not over yet.”

“What do you mean?”

“There’s a storm brewin’.”

“What does that mean?”

“Shit happened while you were gone. We had a run that went south. I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be blowback from what happened.”

“What happened?”

“Some guys tried to take over a shipment they claimed they were owed. Shot one of the prospects,” I tell her.

“Oh, God. Is he okay?”

“He’s recoverin’. The point is, we don’t let that shit slide here. The guy we were makin’ the delivery for is actin’ a little off. Not sure if he was somehow involved or not.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize,” she whispers.

“You wouldn’t have known. We don’t share club shit, and you know that. I just want you to know shit might go down later.”

“And you’ll have to go?”

“I’ll have to go. It isn’t far, and we still don’t have any plans yet. It all happened recently, so we’re still figurin’ shit out.”

“I’m glad he’s okay.”

“Me too. It was a shit show.”

“And I wasn’t here for you.”

“You are now. That’s what matters.” A knock on the door pulls my attention from Raven.


“We’re drinkin’. Get the fuck up,” Rage calls through the door. I chuckle, shifting, and Raven climbs off me. She sits up on the bed next to me, and I lean over, sucking a nipple into my mouth. She moans, and my cock responds. That fucker always seems to respond to her.