Page 21 of Cross the Line

“But we were so good together, Cross. We were happy.” This isn’t something I really wanted to do today. I didn’t want to hurt her. I never planned on that, but it happened. It hurt her when I was with Raven. Fuck, just thinking about her causes my chest to clench.

“We weren’t happy,” I tell her.

“We were to a point, Cross.”

“Cara, what are you doin’ here? This isn’t gonna work.”

“Can’t we just talk about it?” she asks. I cheated on her. What the hell is she doing here? Why would she come back?

“There’s not really anything to talk about.”

“Yes, there is. We’ve been together over a year, Cross.”

“I know that. You think I don’t know that?” I ask, looking directly at her. I know how long we’ve been together, and most of the time, I was unhappy. Something was missing, and I couldn’t place what it was.

“Clearly, you don’t. You’re throwing it all away for some girl you hardly know. Or did you know her?” she accuses. I take a deep breath and blow it out before standing from my stool.

“Listen, it was nothin’ against you. You didn’t do anything wrong. It was me, Cara. I wasn’t happy.”

“And she made you happy?” Why is she pushing me? Why is she doing this?

“Yeah, she did.”

“Did? What does that mean?” Here she goes, still pushing me. I run my hand over my face feeling myself becoming more annoyed. I’m not in the mood for this.

“It means she’s gone, Cara! She didn’t stick around, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna come crawlin’ back to you!” She flinches at my harsh words but doesn’t move to walk away.

“She left.”

“Yeah, she left.”

“And you still want nothing to do with me? After all we shared?” she asks, tears filling her eyes. I don’t do tears. I don’t want to see her cry, but this is over. It’s been over for a while for me.

“I don’t know what you want me to say, Cara. I wasn’t happy.”

“Fine. If that’s the way you want it.” She flips her hair over her shoulder, the tears suddenly stopping before she stomps back out the way she came in.

“What the fuck was that?” Trek asks.

“That was Cara bein’ her dramatic self.”

“That was pretty weird,” he chuckles.

“That was really weird,” I tell him.

“She wants your ass back?”

“Somethin’ like that.”

“Damn. Got pussy throwin’ itself at you.”

“I’d usually think that was a good thing,” I chuckle. The only person I really want throwing themselves at me is Raven. And she’s gone.

Chapter Twelve


He sits across from me, eating his food like I was never gone. Like I was never away from him. He smiles over at me, and my stomach clenches.