Page 19 of Cross the Line

“You need anything else?”

“No. I’m just really tired, is all,” I tell him. It’s not a lie. I’ve been walking all day. I could use a shower, but I’m too damn tired for that. So instead, I climb onto the bed and snuggle into my old pillow. The same pillow that supported me while I slept with a man who lied for so many nights. The one I thought I was safe sleeping on.

“Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.” That’s the problem, isn’t it? I don’t want him here. I want him dead.

“Okay. Thanks, Luke.”

“Don’t thank me. I didn’t protect you.”

“You didn’t know,” I tell him. Another lie.

“I know, but still. I should have been there to protect you, Raven.” He almost sounds sincere. It makes me sick to my fucking stomach to hear him talking like that. Instead of getting into it with him, I nod and close my eyes, letting sleep take me over. The last thing I think about is him. Cross.

Chapter Eleven


She’s gone. That’s all I can think about. I hold the t-shirt in my hand that she wore to bed last night. My t-shirt. She left. She fucking did it. Raven left me. I didn’t think she would do it, but she did. I should have known better. I should have known she was playing me. She never belonged here and never wanted to stay.

I toss the shirt onto the bed and head into the bathroom to wash away the night’s grime and grit. Turning on the shower, I step in before it even gets warm. The cold hit me as I sighed and lowered my head. What the hell did she have to leave for? Why couldn’t she have stayed?

I grab the soap and wash quickly, knowing I need a damn beer. Or something stronger.

I climb out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist before heading into my room. The door opens slowly, and my heart leaps in my chest, thinking Raven might have come back. But it’s not her. It’s Kelsey, one of the club girls.

“What do you want?” I snap at her as I walk over to the dresser and pull out some boxers.

“I thought you might not want to be alone.”

“You waited for her to leave to come after me?”

“Something like that,” she says softly. I chuckle and glance over at her before pulling my boxers on. She doesn’t say anything, and neither do I. We stay in awkward silence until I finish dressing and finally turn to face her. She’s good-looking that much I can say, but she isn’t what I want either.

“I don’t know what you wanted when you came here, but it isn’t gonna happen.”

“She left you, Cross.”

“And I’m not replacin’ her.”

“She isn’t coming back,” she argues, pissing me off a little further. She’s telling me things I already know.

Shoving my cell in my pocket and my gun into the back of my jeans, I walk past her and out of my room. Kelsey isn’t getting what she wants from me. It doesn’t matter that Raven left me.

I stalk my ass out into the main room and straight for the bar. I grab a beer and the bottle of Jack, taking a long pull from the bottle.

“Day drinkin’ now?” Trek asks with a smirk on his face.

“I can drink when I want to,” I tell him, keeping shit short and to the point.

“You’re pissy.”

“She fuckin’ left me, brother.”

“She needed to go. You can’t fault her for that.”

“I’m not faultin’ her for that. I’m just pissed,” I almost snarl at him.

“You thought there was somethin’ more there?” he asks.