Page 53 of Greed

“Fine. At least I can say I tried,” he adds.

“You did indeed. She’s pregnant and doesn’t need the extra stress. You want to figure this out between us, then let’s do that.”

“Fine. Thompson’s creek at eleven.”

“I’ll be there.”

The line goes dead before I text Margetti and tell him the plan. He tells me he will have men set up around there and ready.

“This is it?” Delaney asks.

“This is it. Costa wants this to end, and I want it ended.”

“You promise you’ll come back?”

“I promise.” She leans in and presses her lips to mine in a kiss that takes my breath away.

“You better.”

“I will. I need to go get things in order,” I tell her. She nods, and I stand, walking out of the room and down to the basement. My guys are already assembled and ready when I make my way down.

“I don’t need to tell you how important this is. He doesn’t walk out of there. I may not be the one pulling the trigger, but if anything goes down, he doesn’t leave. Understood?” I ask as I look around the room at my men. They all nod and grunt their agreement.

“You ready for this?” Rigo asks me.

“I am. I want this over and done with before the baby is born,” I tell him.

“I can understand that.”

“Do you?”

“Yes. My wife is pregnant as well.”

“Then you do understand,” I tell him. He nods and falls back in line with the others getting their gear together.

“Be careful of Margetti’s men. I don’t need anyone being killed by accident. They will be placed around the creek at various locations. I have no doubts Costa will have men as well.”

Once we’re finished and ready, I walk back up the stairs to find Delaney waiting for me. I can’t help but smile at the bump that carries my baby.

“You like me like this, don’t you?” she asks.

“I think I do. I might just keep you like this,” I tell her, running my hands over her stomach again. I can feel the baby moving inside her, sending a joy I never knew through my body.

“One at a time,” she says with a laugh.

“Back to back,” I tell her.

“I don’t think so. Let’s just see how the first one goes,” Delaney negotiates with me. I nod my head.

“You’re right. He may turn out like his father.”

“That wouldn’t be such a bad thing, Luka.”

“No. Perhaps not.”

“You have to come back to me today,” she declares, her whole attitude changing in the blink of an eye.

“I’m coming back to you. I promise you.”