Page 22 of Greed

“Don’t be. I’m not. Dinner will be here in a few minutes,” I tell her before standing up and walking back inside. That’s enough talking about my past. She doesn’t need to hear anything else. That’s plenty.

I wait inside until the food arrives and then set the table for her. Delaney doesn’t realize I would hand her the stars if I could pull them from the sky. I’d give her whatever she wanted.

Once I have the table in order, I walk back out and call for her.

“Dinner is here,” I tell her. She looks over at me, her long black hair blowing in the slight breeze, and I’m mesmerized by her. Delaney doesn’t see it. She doesn’t see what I see, and I wish to god she could.

She stands from her seat, carrying her glass as she walks inside and past me without a second glance. I follow behind her as she takes in the table and looks back at me.

“You did this?”

“I’d do just about anything for you, Delaney.” She swallows hard before taking her seat at the table. I walk around and sit across from her, knowing I shouldn’t get too close to her.

I plate food for her and set it in front of her as she watches me with a strange look. She doesn’t say a word as I begin to eat. Just watches me.

“Eat your dinner,” I tell her. Delaney picks up a fork and pokes at her food but doesn’t really take a bite of anything before slamming the fork back down on the table.

“What the hell is all this, Luka?”

“This is dinner,” I tell her.

“Why? Why are you trying to make this like it was a choice?”

“I’m simply feeding you dinner, Delaney. Don’t read too much into it,” I tell her. I want her to want me. I want her to appreciate what I do for her, but I also won’t bow down and kiss her ass to get it.

“We’re in Italy, Luka!”

“Yes, I’m very well aware of where we are,” I state before grabbing my drink and taking a long pull.

“This is stupid. I don’t want to be here,” she tells me.

“And yet here we are.”

“Because you killed your brother!” she snaps at me. I set my glass on the table and lean back in my chair.

“Would you have rather been here with him?” I ask her. Delaney looks up at me, now unsure what to say. She didn’t want to marry Romano, and she sure as shit didn’t want to be here with him.

“Like I had the choice.”

“You’re right. I didn’t give you the fucking choice. You’re here, with me, as my wife. Maybe you should try acting like it!” I snap at her. I see her jolt, but she doesn’t back down, and that’s just one more thing I like about her. Delaney doesn’t take my shit without giving a little back to me.

“Act like it? Like your wife? What would you like me to do? Bend over so you can fuck me over the table?” she asks sarcastically.

“For starters, you can sit there and eat your dinner.”

“Is it all about the sex for you, Luka? Is that what you want?” she asks once more. I temple my fingers in front of me as I look at her and grin.

“If I wanted sex, I would have sex. Don’t overthink this,” I tell her.

“Then what is it you want, Luka? What do you expect from me?”

“I expect you to act as my wife.” Now she laughs.

“As your wife? The wife I’m being forced to be?” she laughs harder, further pissing me off. I cross my arms over my chest and glare at her until she’s finished.

“Are you done?” I ask when she stops laughing. That’s when I see the tears in her eyes.

“No. I’m not done! I don’t want this life, Luka. I’ve never wanted this life,” she screams at me.