We chatted as we ate about the usual topics, movies we’d seen, festivals coming to the city of the summer we looked forward to, typical polite dinnertime conversation. Once we’d all eaten our fill, Gideon refilled our wine glasses and opened the discussions with the topics we’d all expected to discuss.

“Margaux, Lazlo, Dax—I invited you over here as kind of neutral territory. Just as normal people, hanging out and enjoying each other’s company. Hopefully the lack of power dynamic will make it easier to express yourselves.”

Dax shifted in his seat, leaning closer to Lazlo. The pair of them were so sweet with one another. I could practically hear Dax silently telling Lazlo “it’s okay, say what you wanted to say.”In his body language alone.

“Lazlo, I think it might be best if you start.”

Gideon’s voice held that soft, encouraging tone I’d heard earlier. I wondered, offhand, where he’d learned it. Was it his years of training to be a psychologist? Experience as a Dom? A little bit of both? Whatever it was, the sound of it was so intoxicating, I found my erratic pulse slowly with each word he spoke.

“Margaux, Dax and I are falling in love with you.”

I never expected those words. Anger? I’d prepared for. Upset that I failed the two of them as their Domme. Absolutely.

“What Lazlo means to say,” Dax pressed his hand to Lazlo’s back, “is that the three of us have developed this incredibly intimate relationship. It’s of course always been sexually satisfying but recently it’s feels empty.”

“We want to share more than just bodily fluids with you Margaux.” Lazlo interjected, “Part of being part of the kink community is that people see and understand the full you. All the puzzle pieces. Everything that makes you, you. But with you, we don’t have that. There is a wall between Mistress and Margaux.”

As if expecting I would need an anchor, Gideon wrapped his arm around me, and ran his fingers in a soothing pattern along my shoulder.

“I was following protocol.”

The words felt foreign on my lips. Barely a whisper. Where had the confident Mistress gone?

“It is my duty to protect you. Protect your identity. To provide you a safe space to explore every desire you might have in a place where safe, sane, and consensual practices are being employed.”

“And they both appreciate that, don’t you gentleman?” Gideon prompted my two beautiful men, and they both responded with enthusiastic nods.

“Of course,” Dax continued. “And we appreciate everything you have done for us. Your care for us, ensuring our safety, is probably how we started falling for you to begin with. We just have come to a crossroads Margaux. I know I want more. Lazlo does as well, but I hate to speak for him. We want to date you. To take you dinner or bring you to our house and cook for you. To watch movies, and go grocery shopping, and do all the normal things that couples do. And, between the times we spend at the club, we want to make love to you.”


We ended up in the living room after dinner. I could feel the tension between everyone like heartbeat. Margaux had denied none of my requests. I believe the words used were “willing to explore options.”

The one person I’d never considered would be part of that willing to explore scenario was Gideon. I’d incorrectly assumed, it was becoming apparent, that he was simply a friend helping a fellow club member. However, the more I watched him regard Margaux, the more I realized he was as taken with her as we were. The way Margaux interacted with Gideon however, was not with the same confident grace she with Lazlo and me.

“Margaux,” I ran a finger down her arm to get her attention.

She sat between Lazlo and I on Gideon’s oversized sofa. He sat directly in front of her, on an ottoman. By all accounts we triangulated her. It wasn’t until that moment I realized that our collective interest in Margaux might cause an incredibly intense evening shared with three men, and not two.

“I think Gideon wants to kiss you.”

I pointed to where he sat, his arms resting on his knees, the beer he’d been drinking hanging between his open legs.

“I know that look.” I pursued. “He looks like I do every time I’m around you.”

“Is that true Gideon?”

Margaux’s voice felt like warm water being poured over my head. I wanted to hang my head back and relish in the sensations that accompanied it. It had been a long two weeks. There was nothing that made me feel righter than connecting sexually with Margaux and Lazlo. It was transcendent. There was no greater feeling than our combined orgasms.

“You want to kiss me?”

It didn’t sound like a question. It sounded like a directive. One I noticed Gideon struggled with. Lazlo watched the pair from Margaux’s other shoulder with rapt interest. Instead of waiting for him to kiss her, she turned to me instead. Her nails traveled up my jaw, tickling into my hairline. Her kiss was gentle like a lullaby. Soft lips, and timid exploration. Nothing like her usually demanding and forceful kisses. It was sublime.

We melted into one another. Slow exploratory kisses turned into long weighted ones.

“My turn,” Lazlo turned her head, leading in with his tongue, licking at the seam of her mouth waiting for entrance into the cavern that waited just beyond those bee stung lips.
