“Master Gideon.” She nodded, collecting her water. “Any new observations about my friends you wish to impart to me today?”

Speechless. That’s what she made me. I’d mentally prepared for a little verbal volley. Maybe some flirting with a little wit thrown in. I hadn’t expected her to be so fucking sassy. Of course, with each interaction my brain seems to forget she’s a Domme in her own right.

“No offense intended.” I held up my hands in surrender. “I simply made an observation.”

“Ah, an observation.” I saw an emotion flit across the depths of her gray eyes, but it didn’t seem to be the entertained twinkle of someone flirting. “And how do the other Doms take your casual observations?”

A seat opened up directly next to the one Margaux occupied. Rather than try to converse with her across the bar, I took a chance and swung around to her side of the bar.

“Well, if I were here in the Club, I’d say they would welcome having someone whose personality is like theirs. Given that I would be an outsider looking in, and one of the Masters here—more than likely they’d appreciate it.”

I let my statement hang in the air for a moment. I never pulled rank. Honestly, I didn’t give a shit if I they called me a “Master” Dom. We all had our own way of doing things. I was superb at studying and books and shit, and therefore when Casey explained to me the basics of Domination and submission, I had to devour every book I could get my hands on. It led me down a road to understanding more than just the dynamics. Especially since my academic experience was in psychology, D/s just made so much sense to me.

“The difference, as I’m sure you’re well aware, is we weren’t in the club.”

I turned to her so I could look at her head on. She had the most beautiful eyes. Deep slate gray, with just the tiniest hint of blue at the inner edge of her iris nearest her pupil. I wondered if that little sliver got bigger when she was about to come.

“My point exactly.” She interjected, “you made an observation on an interaction you inserted yourself into in a public restaurant. You don’t do that. It’s against our rules. Never engage with club members outside of the club. I could have been exposed.”

“Margaux,” my hand naturally went to hold hers and I had to pull back at the last second. “I made sure no one was around when I approached you. And, other than showing you my card so you knew I wasn’t a creep trying to get in your pants, I made no other suggestion, verbal or otherwise, that would have potentially outed you. Especially since we werealone.

“You looked so lovely in that dress. Captivating, really. I wanted to approach you, to sayhey I think I know you, and try to strike up a conversation hoping to be friends. There was no malicious intent. Cross my heart.”

She spun her glass around with gloved hands, refusing to meet my eyes. I said nothing more. I wanted her to marinate in my words. To really hear them and replay what I’d said on Saturday night. Eventually, she sighed and took two huge sips of her water before throwing down a tip and turning toward the stairs.

“I hope to see you around.” I told her.


From the moment I opened my eyes, the day went to shit. My assistant decided that the corporate life wasn’t for her and decided to just quit. With absolutely no notice. She’d bought a van and intended to tour the country with two of her friends andfollow her bliss.

I’d considered cancelling on Dax and Lazlo, mainly because I didn’t have the metal energy to discuss their need for a deeper connection. Not today when I felt so fucking annoyed by everything. My conscience got the better of me, though. I knew that would be a horrible thing for me to do as a Domme. They trusted me to be their sounding board. To be available to them, nurture them, and care for them—even when they felt exposed and raw. I respected them too much to cancel on them just because I was in a bad mood.

Then, as if the universe conspired against me, there was something wrong with our usual room. Some kind of issue with the air conditioning. Given it was nearly a hundred degrees, there was no way I wanted to spend any time in a room with no air. Fans simply wouldn’t cut it. So instead, we had to play in someone’s penthouse suite.

While Whisper prepared my new keycard, my tack changed. Suddenly, I wished they wanted nothing more than to talk and share for our entire session. I hated being in new spaces. I felt off kilter when I had to use other people’s things, relearn where things were, and acclimate to new quirks of an unfamiliar room.

Then there was Gideon. Master Gideon? Master G? I didn’t know what to call him, but why did my whole circulatory system overload when I interacted with him?

He called me lovely. That’s why I felt so off my game. People didn’t just do that. Give random compliments to strangers. Members at Club Sin or not, we were strangers. He didn’t know me, just because he saw me a handful of times. I certainly didn’t know him. Besides, he was a Dom. He should know better to randomly approach someone with a compliment—especially when she too was a Domme. How was throwing flowery words at me, respectful?

Why though, did I feel the need to sass at him? He actually had done me a pretty solid favor on Saturday night. Meeting Rae’s boyfriends–well fiancé’s now—did not start on the right foot. That Fraser—he was so obnoxiously controlling. My hackleswereup throughout the dinner because he’d been so freakishly domineering. It wasn’t until Gideon pointed it out that I realized itwassecond nature for him, just as it was for me. Thankfully, Rae, Fraser, and Leo had all laughed it off when I called to apologize.

“Hello Mistress,” Lazlo said as he and Dax entered the room, still in their street clothes.

Room 20 had separate entrances for the Dom (me) and the sub (s) to enter, change, prepare. This was an entirely new setup. The penthouse suite was about double the size of the member rooms, and the bathroom was luxe with a capital l. However, it made this type of beginning interaction kind of awkward.

Dax set his bag down, his eyes traveling up and down my body. When he arrived at my eyes, there was unabashed heat in those eyes. Despite his normally quiet and agreeing nature, he regarded me like a lion on the hunt.

“My good boys, even with the room mix up, you’re still perfectly punctual.”

I took a seat on the settee, running my riding crop up Dax’s leg, across his hip, and down Lazlo’s. They almost gulped in tandem. Cute.

“I suggest you run along and get changed. You have exactly five minutes to make it back here in front of me.”

Lazlo gave me the strangest look. It wasn’t defiant, nor angry. It almost looked sad. But he said nothing and followed Dax to the bathroom. Moments later, they returned and knelt in front of me like the wonderful boys they were.

“Good boys.”