Page 80 of Forbidden Want

“I NEED TO WRITE something,” she said in the car with Strat a little while later.

“Write what?”

To go for drinks with Lachlan, it made more sense to have Strat drive her in his car. Lachlan wouldn’t question that now he knew the two were friends. The Bentley wasn’t far away. And the van of goons still followed. She had her own entourage. Connel wasn’t taking any chances and she wouldn’t argue.

“I need to talk to Conn about Dorsey. Other things keep happening. I can’t keep putting it off.”

“No one saw him between when we left his loft yesterday and him showing up at the club after lunch today.”

“We slept in. It was a compromise. I wanted to work, and he wanted me to rest. So we stayed up late and slept in. I got to squeeze in some more research, and he got to watch me rest.”

“Any luck finding Clancy?”

“Not yet. I’m hoping Conn knows where he is. The McDades are sort of scattered all over—”

He did a double take when her words stopped dead. “What? The McDades are what?”

“We have to go to the club,” she said, reaching for the dash. “Please.”

“Boss said to take you back to his place.”

“I know, but it’s important. I’ll deal with his anger if there is any. Please.”

“I’ll probably get in as much trouble for ignoring your order as I will not following his,” Strat said, navigating a turn that would lead them in the direction of Stag. “Taking orders from a squirt who could practically be my kid.”

“I don’t tell you enough how I value you looking out for me.”

“Wouldn’t be anywhere else,” he said, flashing her a consoling smile.

The club was only a few blocks away, and traffic was quiet, so they got there fast.

“I can go in alone,” she said when they stopped. “Security is right there. You go park.”

Plenty of cars liked to roll up to the curb and expel their glamorous occupants. She might not be glamorous, but she did want to go inside, and Strat might get in trouble for dumping the car there to go in with her.

“Okay, I’ll watch,” he said, resting a wrist on the top of the wheel. “Once you’re inside, I’ll go round back.”

Security barely looked at her as she entered between them. Same guy who’d blocked her before and she wasn’t supposed to be there that night. Still, apparently, she was on the list again.

Someone shouted and there was a scuffle going on, which might be why no one stood at the bottom of the office staircase. It would’ve pissed her off if Connel was unprotected. Thank God there were goons on the stairs again. They didn’t say anything and weren’t always there. She’d have to ask him what the criteria were for posting the troops.

She opened the door wondering if maybe she should’ve gone the other way. Except the office was empty. She closed the door, figuring they’d be upstairs.

“My princess comes to me.”

Whipping around fast, she couldn’t believe Evander was there. Sitting in the middle of the chesterfield with a broad smug grin on his face. Okay, so she could believe the grin, but him being there…?

“Sorta hoped we might meet here,” he said, laying a hand on the couch next to him. “Come sit down.”

“No,” she said, going to the desk to put down her purse.

“Did he tell you we had a meeting? That why you came?”

“No,” she said, going around behind the desk to the decanter to pour some fortifying whiskey. “What are you doing here?”

“We have business, me and McDade.”

When she turned back, glass at her lips, Evander was on his feet, in the middle of the stag head rug. They’d had sex in that spot, her and Connel. Somehow, seeing Evander there tarnished the memory.