Page 63 of Forbidden Want

“You blame him?” Strat asked. “The attack was Ire’s fault?”

“No,” she said. “It wasn’t his fault! It was…” That was an interesting point. “Who was it? If they were Manzanis…”

“Vex was pissed about you and Ire.”

“If Evander wanted to hurt me, he’d do it himself,” she said. “And no one mentioned my physical relationship with Conn. They wanted information. Business information.” Her attention stopped on his profile. “What’s the Harvest deal?”

“Beats me,” he said, glancing at her. “I thought you knew.”

“No. I’d never heard of it until they mentioned it.”

“Except they thought you knew enough to screw it up.”

“I think they wanted it screwed up,” she said. “I did have information.”

“Did you tell them?”

“No,” she said. “What good would that have done? Then I’d just have two families after me.”

“That’s why you didn’t tell them?” he asked, his gaze lingering an extra second. “That was your first thought?”

“Honestly? It happened so fast, I don’t know why I didn’t tell them. They were more interested in beating the crap out of me than waiting for an answer. The second guy was…” Saliva rushed her tongue; she swallowed. “If they had the Manzani mark, they were loyal to the Manzanis.”

“Could ask Vex,” he said. “Find out what he knows.”

“Go to him voluntarily?” She shuddered. “Is that a game I want to play?”

“McDade spends the night, then the next day you seek out Vex… He might be looking for you.”


“If the attack wasn’t on his order, he can’t be happy someone acted without his consent. He thinks of you as his girl.”

“One of them,” she said. “When it suits him.”

Her inquisitive mind wanted to know more, but was it worth it? If Evander didn’t give her answers, Connel was her only other potential source. Unless she asked Daly. He had been laid up for a while, as far as she knew. He might not know about the Harvest deal and could get in trouble for mentioning it.

“If Manzanis hurt you and you go to them… It might not end well.”

And she was definitely not in fighting form. “Maybe I should focus on one mystery at a time.”

“Probably a good idea. Want to stop somewhere for breakfast?”

“No, please,” she said, her stomach roiling. “I can’t even think about food.”

“You’ve lost weight,” he said. “Wasn’t much of you to begin with. You should be eating.”

“I have a brother to lecture me about that. He’s got you covered.”

They shared a smile. Strat wanted to look out for her, she got that, appreciated it. Better him than Lachlan. Though, really, she didn’t want anyone putting their life on hold for her.

When they got to The Chronicler building, Strat said he’d be around if she needed a ride later. She didn’t even talk to Daly, though the Bentley stopped behind them. Maybe he’d be there all day… or maybe he’d get bored and leave. Wishful thinking.

Another huge bouquet awaited her at The Chronicler reception.

Lucy leaped to her feet. “Oh, Sersha! Hi! Oh, God…” She came around to hug her, too tight, she braced against the pain. “You look so good.”

“Okay, that’s a lie,” she said with a smile. “But thank you.” She nodded at the flowers. “Addressed to me?”