Page 57 of Forbidden Want

“And that’s a bad thing? You don’t think there are enough scumbags around?”

“Yes, there are definitely enough scumbags.”

“I like to sleep at night.”

“Rather than worry about the women in your life?”

He got serious. “I’m worried about you.”

Suddenly, nothing was funny. “You don’t have to worry about me.”

“I know Dad’s always giving you crap about finding a guy. But… I kind of agree with him right now.”

“Please, you are not serious!”

“You don’t need a guy to pay your bills or get you pregnant, but I would feel better if there was someone next to you at night. The cops were called because a stranger heard you screaming. That was lucky. Pure luck. If they’d got there two minutes later…”

“I’m alive.”

“Yeah, but if the cops weren’t called, and you were left there… How long until someone found you? Until someone noticed you were missing.”

“I was never missing.”

“But no one was at home to notice you weren’t there, that you didn’t come home.”

“Being with someone just to be with someone doesn’t interest me.”

“I know and I want you to be happy with whoever you end up with,” he said. “Still… I’d feel better if you stayed with me for a while.”

“I don’t want to cramp your style. Where would you take all your nurse groupies?”

“It’s that or you stay with Dad.”

“He’s home less than you are,” she said, “and wouldn’t notice whether I was there. He didn’t notice when we did live together.” Her brother couldn’t even argue. “I’ll be fine at home. Strat will check in.”

“I’m still getting over the fact you hang out with him. You know he hates me, right?”

“He doesn’t hate you… Maybe he hates you a little… I always say nice things about you.”

“That makes a huge difference, I’m sure.”

His phone rang. On instinct, he moved to answer it, but checked himself and hesitated.

“It’s okay,” she said. “Go. Go.”

Her brother would be protective for a while. That came with the territory. She’d keep up the facade. Be strong. Because that was what he needed to see. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Actually, it was what she needed. She’d never felt more vulnerable, more exposed. She just had to keep telling herself to get through it. Be strong.


WAKING WITH A START, darkness unsettled her. Lachlan was gone. She must’ve fallen asleep while he was on the phone.

The hospital was quiet. People moved beyond the room. Phones rang. But she was in a secure area… She felt secure anyway.

“We need more information.”

She gasped, her head snapping toward that brogue.

“Niall,” she whispered as he approached from the shadowy corner.