Page 47 of Forbidden Want

“Don’t baby me,” Imogen said, returning to her disgust. “Don’t remind me that your girlfriend was born after your own daughter.”

“She’s not my girlfriend,” Strat said. “She’s in trouble and stayed over because her place isn’t safe.”

“Oh, that’s convenient,” Imogen said, glaring at both of them. “Very convenient. So you just tripped and your dick fell into her?”

“We did not have sex,” Strat said, measuring his words.

“Don’t let her judge you,” she said, folding her arms. “Don’t let her judge us.”

“Right,” Strat said, turning her way. “‘Cept your boyfriend won’t see it that way, will he?”

The slight widening of his eyes reminded her they had to be careful of more than just Imogen jumping to conclusions. If, somehow, this got back to Connel, he might not wait to hear explanations.

“Right,” she said, her arms dropping to her sides. “We’re not having sex. Never had sex. He’s just… helping me out.”

“Great,” Imogen said. “I totally believe you.”

She totally didn’t, but Sersha picked up her satchel, tossing the strap over her head. “You two have a great day.

“Just gonna disappear on me?” Strat asked.

She shrugged. “I have to go home and… you know.”

“Call me later.”

She nodded and offered Imogen a smile before slipping away. She’d go home to shower and change, then get to the library… and maybe the archives again. The jigsaw wasn’t complete, but at least she had more pieces.


THE DAY HAD a horrible habit of sneaking away from her. She’d spent a big chunk of it on the phone trying to track down Clancy McDade.

Given Strat had his own problems, she wanted to take a shot at getting to the guy before involving the tracker. The fewer people who knew about her investigation before she got a chance to talk to Connel, the better.

She intended to loop him in after darkness descended and she got club ready. He hadn’t called. She hadn’t heard from him at all since his party on Monday night. Would she have to deal with that at the club? Maybe. But she couldn’t put it off forever.

Getting a cab to Stag, she figured it would go one of two ways. Either Connel wanted her to react to his sex party or he didn’t. If she didn’t bring it up, he likely wouldn’t either. Maybe letting it slide was the better option. Sex for silence was their deal. Despite Daly’s view on the matter, theirs wasn’t a monogamous relationship.

She paid the driver and got out, straightening her skirt before approaching the club. Connel would be busy or he wouldn’t. She might not get to talk to him at all.

The head security guy held up a hand. “No.”

“No?” she asked, glancing at the line of wannabe clubbers behind the rope. “You want me to line up with the others?”

Stopping just short of following with the cliché, “do you know who I am?” she was losing patience with the brutes Connel employed.

“Can if you want,” he said, looking past her. “Still won’t get in.”

“I won’t get in?”

“No,” he said and opened his overcoat to retrieve something from his inside pocket. “He’s finished.”

What the hell was going on? “He’s finished. What does that…?” The bouncer held out a flash drive. “He’s finished.” Understanding settled over her as she took the USB stick. For a second, she was just cold. Finished. Their deal was done. That meant… over. They were over. And he didn’t even have the decency to tell her himself. So much for loyalty. Standing there on the street wouldn’t accomplish anything. Swallowing, she moistened her lips. “Okay.” Forcing a smile, she didn’t want the guys to see her disappointment. “Thanks.”

Did she really say thanks? Turning to walk away from the humiliation, her defeat didn’t make sense. He was done? Because she hadn’t called him? He hadn’t called her. Maybe he’d been done since Monday. The sex party must’ve been a good one.

A car horn blared, startling her. She stumbled back, holding up a hand to block the bright lights coming right at her. Damnit, she was in the middle of the street. Waving in apology, she picked up her pace and kept on walking. She needed distance from Stag. From whatever had just happened.

Why was she so shaken? Stag had been her safety. Being barred from there was like being barred from her own escape. Now she was open, completely open, exposed, vulnerable, to anything Evander’s heart, or body, desired, if he got his way. What was she going to do? Move in with Strat? With Lachlan?