Page 40 of Forbidden Want

“And each other.”

“Right,” Steeple said. “Now I get why you’re shadowing McDade. Does he talk about his dad or his grandfather?”

Her head tilted. “How do you know I’m shadowing McDade?”

“That guy hanging around here last week,” he said, pushing back in his chair. “And Lach called this morning.”

“Geez,” she said on a groan. “Good thing I’m seeing him today. Makes it easier for me to kick his ass.”

“You’ll do thatafterhe gets you into Records, right?”

“Oh, yeah, definitely.”

“You seeing Vex again today?”

Not if she could avoid it. “I doubt it.”

Except her boss seemed intrigued. “He could be out of the hospital, happier to talk than he was last night.”

“If he’s out, I’m not chasing him.”

Though he might chase her if he thought the games had begun. Typical. Anxiety could become paranoia, and this was the day she didn’t have a guard.


LACHLAN DIDN’T APOLOGIZE for calling Steeple. And he told her straight out he’d gone to Connel the previous night. So she got to read him the riot act for that without revealing her eavesdropping. Thank God for his honesty, otherwise she may not have been able to work that in.

Her sibling issues weren’t anything to lose sleep over. As her father put it, they were always standing in front of each other. She wasn’t surprised her brother wanted to look out for her.

Yeah, she was pissed he went behind her back, twice, but she might have done the same thing if their roles were reversed.

The police records she’d spent the day submerged in were both enlightening and mystifying.

Still scribbling her notes as she ascended the stairs, she needed to get everything in some semblance of order and—


She stopped and raised her head. The echo of her father’s voice was difficult to mistake.

“Dad?” she asked, continuing toward the stairwell landing where he waited. “What are you—” she paused. “Did Lachlan call you?”

“No,” he said. “I called him and he mentioned you were here. Would you like to get dinner?”

“Have dinner?” she asked, coming to a stop in front of him. “That would be two meals in one week. Is one of us dying?”

“Can’t a father take his daughter out sometimes?”

“Yes,” she said, suspicious. “But I know you, Dad. There’s a reason behind the invitation.” He’d sought her out; this was no coincidence. “Be direct, Dad. You’re good at direct.”

On an exhale, he lost his smile and took her elbow to direct her into the corner. “Lachlan said you’re working with the McDades.”

“Yes,” she said, hugging her notes to her chest. “So?”

“It’s dangerous.”

“I know,” she said. “Lachlan’s got you covered there.”

“I am concerned for your safety, but…”