Page 35 of Forbidden Want

When he elevated the top of the bed to sit up, the discoloration on his neck sped her heart.

“Come over here, Princess,” he said, holding his hand out to her.

Blood on the sheets and his knuckles… If Connel was responsible… What the hell was she doing there?

“Had some trouble, Manzani?” Lachlan said, passing her to go closer to the bed. “Wow, looks like you pissed someone off.”

“I wanna see my Princess,” Evander said, glaring. “I got nothing for you.”

“Didn’t think so,” Lachlan said, folding his arms. “Want to make a report?” Evander didn’t care about the cop; his focus remained on her. “Yo! Manzani!”

“Don’t shout,” she said, putting one foot in front of the other to get to the bedside. “Did someone call your father?”

“I’m sure he’s heard,” Evander said, relaxing though he raised his hand toward hers.

She didn’t want to hold his hand. If this was Connel and Vex said something… her brother was behind her… not a good combination.

Putting her hand in Evander’s, she bit her tongue and played nice.

“You want justice?” Lachlan said. “You’ve got to tell us who’s responsible. Where were you at tonight?”

“Taking care of business,” Evander said. “Had some delays this weekend.”

Yeah, because he’d been with the cops.

“That cause trouble?” her brother asked. “I could’ve helped you out there too.”

“You’re a lucky guy,” Evander said, yanking her closer. She stumbled a step, and her brother caught her, but Evander got close enough to whisper in her ear. “He’ll pay for touching you.”

“Hands off, Manzani,” Lachlan said, jerking her away to put her behind him. “Want me to pull you in for assault?”

“Maybe you should. Take a good look. Imagine what the other guy looks like.”

She had to get back. Had to see him. Without even thinking, she walked away from Lachlan, out of the room, and down the corridor.

“Ser!” Lachlan called after her. “Sersha!” She got all the way to the door before he caught up and grabbed her arm. “Hey… what’s wrong? Did he say something?”

“No,” she said, fighting to compose herself. “No, I just… didn’t expect him to look like that.”

“It’s okay,” he said, giving her a hug. “This is why I didn’t want you to come.”

“Sorry, I—”

“I’ll take you home.”

Home wasn’t where she wanted to go. Strat was driving, but she’d told him to stay in the car no matter what. He had to. If Lachlan saw him, it would raise too many questions. They didn’t exactly have the best relationship with each other. That was between them, nothing to do with her. Well, them and the woman between them, Strat’s daughter.

Lachlan urged her into the car and got in behind her. She had no choice and had to follow. Lachlan would put her in her apartment; he always did after dark. He’d put her inside and get a cab. She’d have to text Strat and let him know what was going on. He might leave when Lachlan took her inside, but she’d need him to loop back when her brother was gone.

With Lachlan in the back seat at her side, she couldn’t call Connel, but she had to see him. To know he was okay, to know what happened. Except if he wasn’t at the club… where else could she look?


LACHLAN TOOK IT upon himself to check her apartment for intruders, not that she expected any.

He gave the big brother speech about the dangers of bad boys too. Little did he know she was rushing him out just to get back to hers.

After he left, it seemed to take Strat an age to return. Wherever he’d gone, he hadn’t understood her urgency.