Page 21 of Forbidden Want

“If I don’t and Evander’s people know I’m still in here…”

“We’ll spread word you went out the back.”

“Is there a back?”

“If you don’t know, he doesn’t. We need the element of surprise showing up at the hotel tonight.”

With that, she could help. “Can I give you something?”

“I don’t have time now—”

“Not something sexual,” she said. He’d already declared his lack of disposable time yet was still there. “Something in my purse that might help you later.”

He held her for another second but relented, and she scurried over to retrieve the plastic from her purse.

When she turned back, he was right there. “This,” she said, holding it out to him. “Platinum Suite.”

His intrigue became a scowl. “He gave you a key?”

“If you can create a distraction and his guys aren’t on the floor, won’t it be easier just to waltz in?”

“Says a lot,” he said, turning it over in his hand. “Sends a message. He knows he gave you this… if I use it to get in his room…”

“There’s only one person it could’ve come from,” she said. “I know. He’ll think either you killed me or—”

“I’m your guy.”

Their eyes met.

“I have no love for the Manzanis,” she said, resting a hand on his chest. “I know what your family means to you. I don’t take what you’re doing for me for granted either.”

“Don’t leave this building.”

“Will you come back here after?”


She smiled. Never committing. Staying loose. He was protecting her; she couldn’t ask for more. Shouldn’t want it or even be thinking about it.

Maybe after their showdown, one of them would be down or gone. Everything was a mess, and it was all her fault.


“I DON’T SEE why we can’t just—”

“Ire’s rules,” Dasha said. “Stop whining, Darla.”

All night the blondes on the office chesterfield sniped at each other. One thing, then another. They weren’t good at being idle. Was anyone? Working at his desk, she didn’t make as good a view as Connel. Still, small mercies, at least they had their clothes on.

From memory, she was putting together a timeline and a list of questions in the notepad Dasha brought with the rest of the supplies earlier. Together, they’d written a list of needs and she’d stayed put while the beauties went shopping. Being a step removed was frustrating. The situation better damn well resolve itself soon or she’d be a prisoner in Stag for the rest of her days.

Strat sat at the end of the desk. Arms folded. Trapped in her vortex. Sucked into the foreverness that was Evander Manzani’s obsession. Her friend definitely had better ways to spend his time.

“What time is it?” Darla asked.

She checked her phone. “Just after eleven.”

“If we went down to the—”