“I’m amazed he’s let you avoid it,” Strat said. “I know some of the shit he’s done to women who—”
She hit the button to grind the beans, cutting him off while showing him a broad smile. The prospect of force would terrify any woman. Sometimes that possibility kept her up nights. Any time there was a noise, or she spooked herself, Evander was her first thought. He could force himself into her apartment, into her bed, whenever he chose. There, but for the grace of God went she.
As soon as the machine stopped, Niall spoke, “Why didn’t ya tell him to fuck hisself?”
“Because she likes her head on her neck,” Strat said. “You should be impressed, not judgmental. Woman’s kept herself alive and out of his bed. We guys came up with crews at our backs, we walked with armies. Scamp here’s on her tod… as you would say.”
“She’s got daddy, granddaddy—”
“Please, you ever met either of them? Seen the way they talk to her?”
“Strat,” she said, trying to soothe and prevent him from ramping up.
“No, if he’s gonna blame you for Vex’s shit, he should know what he’s talking about. Her daddy and granddaddy disagree with how she lives her life and blame her for everything too. You’d get along swell.”
When Strat rose, Niall did too. Shit, this couldn’t come to blows. Abandoning the coffee machine, how the hell would she stop—
“Hold,” Connel said, cool and calm. Although it pained or pissed off the others, their shoulders did drop a little. He put an arm out to stop her passing him. “Niall, get Strat introduced to the guys on tonight. They need to know his position.” Niall turned to glare at him. “Or we take this to the basement, but you know how that ends.”
“Fuck,” Niall spat out and stalked off.
“Strat,” Connel said before he moved. “Your boy runs with Manzani… is that gonna be a problem?”
“Did. Past tense,” Strat said. “He’s got no love for Vex or his old man. My boy’s straightened out.”
Connel didn’t give any clues on whether he believed that. “Wanna watch my woman? You’re a McDade. You get that? Before anything else.”
Strat looked at her. He hadn’t asked for any of this and was being drawn back into a world he’d fought to free himself from.
“I get that,” her friend said.
Her heart wept. She wanted so desperately to apologize, but sentiment wouldn’t change anything. As he’d said, no one gave a shit about intentions.
“Get outta here,” Connel said and Strat went.
Following orders. Because of her.
Tracking his progress, she kept on staring even after he’d disappeared down the stairs.
“He’s got a thing for you.”
She whipped around to Connel. “It’s not like that,” she said, tired of always having to justify herself. “I’m the same age as his daughter. He looks out for me.”
“Yeah, he better. I’m paying him to keep you alive.”
“Then cut me loose,” she said, raising her arms as anger heated inside her. “Kick me out. Send me away. If I’m so damned inconvenient—”
“Control your anger.” She’d said that to him and then they’d… “I don’t have time now,” he said like he read her mind. “The hit fucked my whole day and now this bullshit…”
“I’m sorry Daly got hurt.”
“This is not only about you,” he said, curling his fingers around a tendril of hair hanging over her cheek. “Our families have been enemies a long time.”
Since they lost Dorsey, best she could figure. That wasn’t the time for mysteries or work. Saving life and limb had to be the priority.
Would pleading dissuade him from confrontation?
The truth revealed another secret. “I don’t want Evander to know it’s you,” she said. A frown creased his brow. “Send your guys. Don’t go with them.”