“Old fucking…” Strat grumbled. “I was hustling this city while you were spunk in your daddy’s balls, boy. And your old man? He was a fucking asshole.” Laying a hand on his arm, she didn’t want Strat to dig himself a pit. “But you know what would never happen in your daddy’s day? Your father would never have his woman trapped, in fear for her life, while he sat with his thumb up his ass.”
“Strat,” she whispered, moving closer. Her friend didn’t know the relationship wasn’t real. That wasn’t his fault, but challenging Connel wasn’t smart regardless. “This is not on him.”
“Anyone hurts her…” Connel said, “they have me to deal with.”
“Right,” Strat said, putting an arm around her. “Guess that’s why she had to come to me.‘Cause a real man gets involved before their woman gets hurt.” He pulled her against him, backing up a step. “Let’s get out of here. I don’t want you near either of them.”
What could she do? How could she resist?
“Either?” Connel asked.
“You know why she came here in the first place,” Strat said, pausing mid-turn. “Why she was in this club. You think that problem just evaporated?”
“She’s protected.”
When Strat laughed, she laid a hand on his chest and looked up, but his glare remained fixed on the other side of the room. On the man she’d woken up with.
“Yeah, that’s why she’s got an appointment in his bed tonight… guess at least it saves her from yours.”
“Stop,” she murmured, pushing on him, though his arm stayed around her. “Don’t antagonize him. I don’t want this. I never wanted this.”
“She won’t go near—”
“What choice does she have?”
“Stop!” she said, shoving Strat hard to free herself and put some space between them. “Both of you, this is ridiculous.” She exhaled, composing herself before meeting Strat’s eye. “We knew this was a risk. We took it. It didn’t work out.” She turned to Connel. “We’re sorry we wasted your time.” She could mention the tape, but that was the least of her worries when lives were at stake. “I’d appreciate it if you gave Daly my best.” Returning to Strat, she took his hand again. “Let’s go.”
“Sersha.” Maybe it was the authority in Connel’s tone that did it. On instinct, she stopped. Was he going to threaten them? Suddenly, there were footsteps and a door closed. After a beat, he asked, “Can I trust you?” That was what he’d asked her last night. Was it a threat? Spinning around, she locked her gaze on him. “I haven’t lied to you yet.”
As he’d said the night they made their deal. Ask him a question…
They were alone. Her. Him. Strat and Niall. They were the only four present. Those eyes, their intensity, their promise…
“Evander came to me at lunch yesterday.”
Though he tried to hide it, she saw anger flash behind his façade. “Where was Daly?” he asked, his lips barely moving.
“I was in the deli just down the block from work. I told Daly not to come. I didn’t think that… Evander came in the back.” At least he’d left that way, so she assumed he’d arrived that way too. “I don’t know if it’s… He knew I slept over here on Wednesday night… he assumed I was screwing one of your guys.”
“Which one of them could be fucking me,” he muttered her words from earlier.
“Right,” she said.
“That was your panic this morning. You think his people are watching the club.”
“They must be,” she said. “I thought so long as he didn’t know it was you, it would be okay. He seems to think that…”
“Gets him going when she plays with him,” Strat said, laying a supportive hand on her shoulder. “He doesn’t get she’s not interested.”
“In his head, it’s not even a possibility someone wouldn’t want him,” she said, “that a woman wouldn’t want him. He’s used to getting whatever he wants.”
“This has been going on since she was nineteen,” Strat said. “He comes and goes any way he fucking pleases.”
“That doesn’t matter,” she said, putting a hand over Strat’s on her shoulder. “It wouldn’t, but… It’s different now.”
“People are getting hurt,” Strat said. “Your guys today.”
“I don’t know if it was anything to do with him.”