She pushed at him. “Don’t,” she said, but he kissed her chin, her throat, thatsensitive spot just above her collarbone. “I have to get out of here.”
“Fuck your boss,” he said, stroking his lips left to right on her breast. “My guys will go over there. Talk to him.”
“Steeple doesn’t care,” she said, trying to ignore the coil of enticement his mouth left in its wake. “Your guys are still here, right? Some of them must stay somewhere on the premises. The whole basement thing…” Thank God he was busy with her navel. “Which one of them could be fucking me?”
That didn’t come out right, not that she realized until his dark eyes appeared above hers.
“I’ll tolerate other women on my terms,” he said, glaring. “Any guy touches you, I’ll gut him myself…” The depth of his certainty clung to her, but damn if her hips didn’t tilt to push her pussy against him. His brow twitched.“You bloodthirsty, baby? Fuck, you’re with the right guy.”
No, but it gave her an answer about that night. Her heart sped up, thumping hard between them. She had to close her eyes, to stop looking into his, to break the connection.
Fighting was useless.
His lips touched hers again, stealing more of her sense. How could she resist?
Digging her nails into his shoulders, she desperately wanted to pull him closer, to wrap her arms around him in the same way her legs coiled around his hips.
Her lips parted, freeing a moan. The damage had been done. Maybe if they were quick—
He punched the bed by her head, thrusting himself up. “Fuck off!”
“Shh,” she murmured, cupping his jaw, guiding his mouth back to hers. His cock was full, imprinting itself on her, though not in the right place. She’d never hated being shorter than a partner more. Running her fingers into his hair, she rolled her mouth from his. “Protection?”
“I got it,” he said, his hand shifting on the bed.
Another holler, definitely wary.
He tore his kiss away. “I’ll rip his fucking throat out,” he hissed through gritted teeth.
“It’s okay,” she whispered, stroking his face, pained by the fury in him. “Baby…”
His anger ebbed when their eyes met. She hadn’t called him that before… had she?
Less of a shout, the voice was closer.
Connel turned his head in that direction. “You trying to lay eyes on my lady?”
“No! No, boss…”
“Conn,” she said, though wasn’t sure if she was teasing or scolding.
“Niall and Daly got hit,” the guy from beyond said.
Snap, the mood changed.
Connel pounced to an elbow to check behind them, then was on his feet. “When?” he called, striding into the closet. “Stay out of the fucking bedroom.”
Why? Because she was lying naked in his bed? Hadn’t her plan been to leave?
“Less than an hour ago,” the guy called.
Connel came out clothed only to disappear into the living room. “In daylight?”