Page 82 of Forbidden Want

“Believe me, I know. She’s wild. Does whatever she wants.”

“You talk like you know her,” that from Niall.

“I’ve known her since she was fresh,” Evander said. “Barely legal.” Nineteen, but okay. “She’s her own woman.” Warmth and lust tainted his words. “You can’t trust her. No guy can.”

“You can’t trust her,” Connel stated.

Evander laughed. “But you can? No, you don’t understand her. You think you have her loyalty? That she understands this. She doesn’t understand it. If she did, you think she’d talk to us the way she does? You think she’d follow your orders like the fifty other bitches you’ve got lined up waiting for your cock? No, man. No.”

“Your information checks out.”

“She doesn’t get that guys like us are capable, lethal, that we don’t have limits. We could snap her in half. In a second. No one would ever find the body. Not like we haven’t done it before.”

“We’re done talking about Sersha,” Connel said, finality in his words.

“‘Cause you know I’m right. She doesn’t know we’ve tortured guys, murdered them. That we do it every day. She doesn’t get we’d give up anything for our families. For the fucking privilege of our names.”

“And our deal?” Connel asked as a door closed. “Where does that fit into your privilege?”

That door… Did someone leave the office or join them?

“I’m doing what needs to be done,” Evander said, on the defensive. “For my family. I’m willing to make this sacrifice. To go this far.”

“I’m doing it for profit.”

“And that’s what you value more than anything else?” Evander asked. “More than your name?”

“There’s nothing I value more than my name.”

“We’ve been on opposite sides a long time. We need a show of trust.” That tone from Evander was never good. “I’m putting a lot of faith in you.”

“You need me. You can’t pull it off without me.”

“Yeah, and you could fuck me at the first chance.”


She shivered.

“I have all the risk,” Evander said. “I’m trusting your honor… I need a show you mean this. That you’re in and not just out to fuck me.” In the following silence, she held her breath. “Any place you choose. Drop her off with me Friday night. I’ll bring her back to you Monday morning.”

Simple as that. He reduced her to a clause in a contract.


“I’ll come back Friday for your answer. Don’t put her away wet… I’ll do that for you.”

The door closed, then something crashed so loud, she jumped. He was mad. But was he alone? Could she go to him?


The quiet word prompted her to descend the stairs and slip off her shoes at the bottom before going through the curtain.

He turned his chair her way, and she went to him. He caught her wrist to pull her onto his thigh, her legs in the vee of his.

“How did you know I was there?” she asked.

Hooking a forearm under her knees, he drew them up to drape her legs across the arm of his chair and tipped her back over the other to kiss her breast.