“You do?”

I nodded. “Of course, I fucking do.”

“So…you wouldn’t be mad if I planned one for us?”

“Hell fluffing no, baby. Plan away. Whatever you want to do, wherever you want to go, you plan it, and I’m all in.”

Personally, after the baby was born, I was already planning on taking her on a honeymoon, but if she wanted to plan it herself? I was game. Whatever made my wife not ready to shed my blood over cheese, I was all for.

“Yeah?” Her eyes brightened so much it made my heart expand inside my chest. “You promise?”

“I fluffing swear, Cassie.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine.

“Love you, you big idiot.”

“Love you too, Crazy,” I said and took her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. I didn’t pull away until we were both breathless.

Thank fluff. All is right with the world again.

The early morning New York sun filtered into our bedroom, and I blinked open my eyes and checked the time on the clock on my nightstand.

It was only a little after seven, and normally, I’d have been real pissed to be awake right now, but with the way this pregnancy had completely screwed up my internal clock, I was starting to get used to the early wake-up calls.

Not to mention, I had something big and exciting planned.

Oh yeah, today is going to be a glorious day.

I looked over at my still-sleeping husband and grinned.

It’s time for my big ogre to wake the fluff up, and I know exactly how to do it.

Carefully, I slid all the way under the covers until I was face-to-head with the Supercock. He was all sleepy and resting cozily on Thatch’s thigh, and I didn’t waste any time slowly sucking him into my mouth.

Thatch stirred a little in his sleep.

And the Supercock started to wake up, getting harder every time I increased my suction.

After a few more pulls and sucks and flicks of my tongue, Thatch groaned, and by the time he was completely hard and raring to go, I felt him lift the covers up and away from his body.

“What are you doing down there, honey?”

I stopped what I was doing and looked up at him with a smile. “It’s time to wake up.”

My handsome man smirked down at me. “Talk about a splendid fluffing wake-up call.”

“I had a feeling you’d like this.”

“Like this?” He reached down to pull me up toward his body. “I’m in fluffing love with this.”

I giggled at that, and Thatch adjusted my body so I was straddling his hips, the Supercock poised at my entrance.

Oh, hell yes. Get inside me.

“You gonna fuck me, Daddy?”

My question achieved exactly what I needed it to, and between one breath and the next, Thatcher’s big, beautiful cock was inside me and my pussy was clenching around him like a horny little bitch.