Page 31 of Crazy Fluffing Love

“Mostly for you. But definitely for me too.”

“Hmmm…” He paused and tapped his chin dramatically. “And it doesn’t involve tequila or contests or strippers?”

I shook my head. “Nope. It does not.”

“What about a last-minute flight to Tijuana for a donkey show?”

“God, no.” I cringed and he smirked.

“What the fluff could it be, then?”

I pressed a smacking kiss to his lips and stood up, handing off the mug of shitty coffee. “Something really fluffing amazing that you’re going to have to wait to see until I get back.”

“What?” he groaned and tried to reach out for me with his big, grabby hands. “How long is this damn appointment going to take?”

“I don’t know. An hour or two.”

“And what the hell am I supposed to do while you’re gone?”

“Get ready to be wowed…and have the biggest boner of your life.”

“The biggest boner of my life?” he asked through a chuckle. “Honey, you’re setting the bar insanely high.”

“Oh, I know,” I called over my shoulder, purposefully shimmying my ass a little as I walked back through the balcony doors. “Make sure the Supercock gets ready because Mama will be back soon!”

I had no doubts that my husband would trip all over himself when I strutted my ass back inside our hotel.

It’s fluffing gender reveal go time!

After my top-secret appointment, I had my Uber driver make two quick pit stops at a local bakery where I had ordered a cake and a party store for some balloons.

Once all my errands were complete, I headed back to the hotel, and I wasn’t even two miles away when I received an impatient text from my husband.

Thatch: Where the hell are you?

I grinned and typed out a quick response.

Me: On my way back now. Get ready, T-bag.

Thatch: Ready? Like, naked ready? Should I already take off my pants and start getting the Supercock ready to go?

Me: Ha. Like you’d even need to stroke it if the Supercock knows he’s going to get to hang out with my puss-ay.

Thatch: True. But seriously, do I need to get naked?

Me: Not yet.

Thatch: What? But you said you had a surprise and the Supercock would be excited! The Supercock’s most exciting moments ALWAYS come while naked.

Me: Do you want the surprise or not?

Thatch: Of course, I want the fucking surprise.

Me: Then chill the fluff out. My Uber is pulling up to the hotel now.

Thatch: Daddy is waiting in excited anticipation. (With pants on, which he’s not too thrilled about.)

I rolled my eyes, slid my phone back into my purse, and once my driver Jimmy pulled us to a stop just outside the entrance doors, I entered a more than generous tip into my Uber app and gathered all my gender reveal party loot.