“Can you describe your pain?”

“It just feels like something is ripping through me. It hurts,” I tell him, because I don’t know what else to say.

“I see.” He feels around my stomach for a bit. “I’m going to have a look with the ultrasound machine.” I watch as he drags a trolley over to the bed, then he powers on the little monitor. “This will be cold,” he says as he squirts a gel over my lower abdomen. He picks up a wand and starts running it over my skin while staring at the screen. “There it is. Hear that?” He turns to me. “That’s your baby’s heartbeat. It’s strong,” he says with another smile.

“That’s her heart?” Alistair asks, his eyes laser-focused on the machine.

“Well, it’s a bit early to tell the sex, but that’s the heart. Everything looks good. What you’re experiencing sounds like ligament pain, your body’s way of preparing itself to support your growing baby. Nothing major, but we’ll keep you here for a few hours to make sure that’s what it is,” the doctor explains.

“Are you sure? She shouldn’t be in this much pain. What if…” Alistair stops midsentence, considering his words before continuing. “What if I hurt her? We have sex, a lot of sex, Doc. I thought it was okay but what if it’s not?”

I cover my face, completely mortified. “Oh my god,” I mumble from behind my hands.

“It’s safe to have sex throughout pregnancy,” the doctor replies without missing a beat.

“Okay.” Alistair lets out the breath he was holding.

“Everything looks good. I’ll be back to check on you.” Dr Mitchell nods and walks out.

“You should go to work. You don’t have to stay,” I tell Alistair.

“You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’m leaving you here,” he says.

“I’m sorry. I told you I was okay.”

“I would rather not risk it. You and this baby are everything to me, Dani. I mean that. I don’t want to lose you. “

“You’re not going to lose me, Alistair.”

“Marry me,” he asks again.

“Maybe.” I smile.

“Maybe is better than no. I’ll take it,” he grins.

I’m not sure why he keeps asking, seeing as he tells everyone I’m his fiancée anyway. He insists that my “yes” is just a technicality that will happen. He’s right. I’m sure I’ll agree eventually. I mean, how could any sane woman turn down the walking lady Viagra that is Alistair Warner?

* * *

“I’ll getyou a cup of tea,” Alistair says, setting me down on the sofa in his apartment.

“I don’t even drink tea. Stop fussing. You heard the doctor. I’m fine,” I tell him.

“I can still take care of you,” he counters before walking into the kitchen. He returns with a cup. “Here. It’s not tea.”

I take the cup and instantly smell chocolate. “Mmm, hot chocolate is always better than tea.” I smile and lift the brim to my lips.

“You know, it’s going to kill me watching you give birth,” he says. “I don’t like seeing you in pain.”

“Alistair, I swear to god… That’s months away and I really would like to bury my head in the sand for as long as I can when it comes to what I’m going to have to do to get this baby out of me.”

“Sorry… just thinking out loud.”

“If I have to push it out, you’re watching,” I tell him.

“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

“Yes,” I tell him.