“I forgot. It’s not a big deal. I used to be on it, but after Hunter… well, I wasn’t with anyone else so I just didn’t bother,” she says.

An irrational jealousy comes over me every time she mentions the fuckwit she was prepared to marry. I fucking hate that she has so much history with another man, even if he is an ass. The fucker got all of her firsts—well, most of them. A smirk spreads across my lips as I think about taking her ass.

“Why are you smiling?” she asks.

“I was thinking how good it’s going to be when I finally get to bury my cock into your ass.” I shrug.

“You have issues.”

“There are worst problems to have than to be consumed with thoughts of you all day long,” I tell her.

“Come on, we’re probably late and this is my best friend’s wedding. I’m not meant to miss any of it,” she says.

Zipping up my pants, I tuck my shirt back into the waistband. It’s not until we slip back out into the hallway that Dani begins wiping at my shoulder.

“Shit, I got lipstick all over your shirt.”

“Maybe next time you should fill your mouth with my cock instead,” I tell her.

“That’s hard to do when your cock is inside me,” she counters.

“If I ever find a genie, I’m asking to have three cocks,” I say as I ponder the idea.

“Why would you want three of them?”

“So I can fuck all three of your holes at the same time. I imagine that would be the ultimate orgasm.”

“You really are twisted.” She laughs.

“But you like it.”

“I do,” she says.

We find our places at the table. Claire and Daisy look at Dani and laugh. “Really, you couldn’t wait a few hours?” Daisy asks.

“You’ve seen him, right?” Dani waves a hand up and down my body.

“Yeeeep,” Daisy draws out. “I don’t blame you. I’d jump him too.” She shrugs.

“Yeah, not funny in the slightest,” Dani says.

“You know what I mean. Anyway, how do you think I can getthat oneto go against Eloise’s stupid no-touch clause?” Daisy asks. I look behind me to see who she’s pointing at. I don’t recognize the guy, though I assume he’s one of Gio’s brothers.

“You don’t,” Claire says.

“Fine, I’ll just die old and alone with a vagina full of cobwebs,” Daisy spits out.

“Do your friends always have such interesting dinner conversations?” I ask Dani.

“Unfortunately. This is why we don’t go out more often. We usually order in when we get together,” she says.

It’s then that it occurs to me that she never invited them over to my place for dinner like I’d suggested. I wonder if she doesn’t want her two worlds to interconnect. Does she even want me here now? I did invite myself after all. I don’t like having to question my place in her life.

When she reaches over and tangles her fingers with mine, I feel a sense of peace. “I’m glad you came with me. At least I don’t have to be stuck talking about Daisy’s vagina all night. Come dance with me,” Dani whispers so that only I can hear her.

I smile. “I’ll fill your dance card all night, babe.”

“Aw, you two are sickeningly cute,” Claire says as Dani and I get up from the table and make our way to the dance floor.