“Sure, I’d like that,” I tell her, then approach Xavier’s open door and knock.

“Dani, come in,” he says.

I walk in and stand in front of his desk. “I just wanted to apologise for quitting, and I know Alistair says it’s okay for me to come back, but I totally understand if you and Nathan don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“We never wanted you to leave in the first place. And, honestly, that idiot needed a wake-up call. You gave him that. As far as I’m concerned, you spent the last week nursing your sick grandmother, who’s now made a full recovery and is running the show at community bingo. Welcome back, Dani,” Xavier says with a lopsided grin.

I smile in return. “Um… thank you.”

I make my way to Nathan’s office next. His door’s shut and the windows are fogged over. Just as I’m about to knock, I hear moaning.

“Okay, guess I’ll come back later,” I mutter to myself.

Once I’m seated at my desk for the day, I fire up my computer and open my inbox. And there, at the top, is an email from Terri with Alistair’s schedule. I write down all the times and names, and glance at the clock. I have an hour before his first meeting, so I open his case notes and start briefing myself on the client. If I have to sit through these meetings, I want to be as prepared as I can be. I’m reading through his notes when there’s a knock at the door and my head pops up.

“You ready?” Alistair asks me.

“To see the great Alistair Warner in action? Always,” I tell him.

“Great, let’s do this.”

I pick up my iPad and phone and follow Alistair into the conference room. He’s had a million meetings over the past few months, and I’ve never sat in any of them. I’m not sure why that’s changed now—although I have a feeling it has to do with what happened with Mrs Dalmore. He’s afraid of a repeat incident.

I’ll have to ask him about it later, seeing as his first client is already waiting. A young, thirty-something blonde lady, with model-like features and bright-red lips that light up into a smile when she sees Alistair. “Mr Warner, good morning. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice,” she purrs—yes,purrs.

“No worries. Mrs Gold, this is my associate, Miss Hutchinson,” he greets her.

“Oh, hello, dear,” she says dismissively.

“Hi.” I walk around to the other side of the table and take a seat. Alistair claims the chair beside me.

“What did you need to discuss that was so urgent?” he asks her.

“It’s the property in Perth. I don’t want to give it to the bastard anymore,” she says while staring at her perfectly manicured nails.

“We’ve already agreed on the settlement terms, Mrs Gold. Why the sudden change of heart?”

“Because, as we speak, Mr Gold is in Perth. In my damn house, fucking his twenty-year-old girlfriend. He can’t have it,” she says, her tone suggesting she isn’t open to negotiations.

“You do remember that the reason for the desolation of your marriage was infidelity, on both your parts,” Alistair reminds her matter-of-factly.

“I’m aware of the reason my marriage didn’t work. And it’s because the piece-of-shit didn’t know how to fuck,” she says, and my eyes bulge out of my head in shock. “You’re young. Don’t ever marry someone who can’t give you multiple orgasms,” Mrs Gold says to me.

“I’ll, ah, keep that in mind. Maybe tell my current boyfriend he better up his game if he plans on keeping me.” I smirk. As soon as Ms Gold leaves the conference room twenty minutes later, I turn to Alistair. “Are all of your clients like that?” I ask him.

“No, thank god,” he says, spinning my chair around to face him. His hands land on my thighs.

“What are you doing?” I ask him.

“Upping my game, because I plan on keeping you around for a very long time, little girl,” he says, hooking his fingers under my panties.

“What? No. Alistair, the door is wide open,” I hiss at him.

“So you better be quick then. Before the next client walks through.” He shrugs while thrusting two fingers into my wet pussy.

“Oh god. I can’t. No. Not here. I was joking. You do not need to up your game. You know that,” I tell him.

“I know, but it could be fun to try all the same. You have exactly two minutes to make yourself come on my fingers, Dani.” His fingers thrust into me harder. His thumb circles around my clit.