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Sender: Alistair Warner

Subject: Most important task of the day

Dear Miss Hutchinson,

There was one task I forgot to add to the list I gave you this morning.

Undress. Now!

Sincerely yours,


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I hitsend and look up to see Dani about to exit the office. “Shut the door and lock it,” I tell her.

She turns around and stares at me. “You cannot be serious right now.” Her words are hissed in my direction.

“Oh, I’m deadly serious, little girl. Shut the door and lock it.” I hit the button on my desk that fogs the glass windows of my office.

Dani stomps her foot but she follows the command like the perfect fucking little submissive she is.

“Good girl.” I praise her. “Now, there was one more thing on your list. Check your emails,” I tell her. I wait as she draws her phone out of her pocket and pulls up her emails. She reads it and shakes her head.

“No,” she says, looking directly at me.

“What do you meanno?” I push to my feet and glare back at her.

“Exactly that. I’m done. I’m going home,” she says.

“You’re not done until I tell you you’re done. Strip, Dani, now!” I walk around my desk and stalk towards her.

“No!” she says again, folding her arms over her chest.

“Are you really going to deny yourself what you know I can give you?” I ask her, cupping her chin between my fingers.

“I don’t need anything from you,” she says.

“You may not need it, but you do want it,” I tell her. “Are you really going to leave here with a task undone?” I know that gets to her. She’s such a people pleaser, wants to be the best of the best. That’s what drove her to getting everything on that ridiculous list done today. She refuses to fail at anything.

“No,” she says as she starts unbuttoning her blouse.

Her stomach makes a god-awful noise. I look down at it. “Do you have an alien growing in there or something?” I ask her.

“I hope not. I skipped lunch. I’m just hungry,” she says.

I stop her fingers from undoing another button. “Why the fuck would you skip lunch?”

“Because my boss is an ass who gave me an impossible list of tasks that I had to complete today,” she fires back at me.

“You’re right. Your boss is a fucking ass. Fuck, Dani.” I run a hand through my hair. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have skipped lunch.” I walk back to my desk and pick up my wallet, phone, and keys. “Come on.” I take her hand and lead her out of my office.

“Where are we going?” she asks.

“To eat,” I tell her. I’m fucking pissed at myself that she forwent taking a break to get my stupid list of tasks done. I should have made sure she ate.