“Yes, I’m here. Sorry… just thinking about a case,” I lie. “They’re good here. It’s a great company,” I tell her, because it is. It’s the best firm in the city.

“Good to hear. What about on the man front? Any news there?”

Rhonda Hutchinson is a hopeless romantic. She has it in her head that I’m going to find my one great love. She never really cared for Hunter. She tolerated my ex because I picked him.

“Not really,” I say.

“You’re hiding something from me, Danielle. I can tell. Who is he?”

“No one I’m ready to introduce to you and Daddy yet,” I reply.

“Sooo, is it good?”

“Is what good?” I ask her.

“The sex?”

“Oh my god, Mum, you did not just ask me that,” I screech at her.

“What? It’s a perfectly reasonable question. God knows Hunter was a dud. You deserve to be having good sex, you know. Your father and I—”

“Mum, I gotta go. Sorry. Got a meeting.” I hang up the phone and throw it on my desk. The last thing I ever want to hear about is my parents’ sex life. Like, seriously, ew. Just gross. I feel like I need to floss my ears out after just that little bit.

I reach for my coffee cup and sip at the hot, overly sweet brew. I may have added extra sugar. I need the pick-me-up. Maybe I should go home this weekend, spend some time with my parents. I used to visit them at least once a month. I’ve only been back there twice since the Hunter ordeal. There are too many memories of him in that house. Not only did he manage to humiliate me on the damn altar, he also ruined the comfort I found in my childhood home.

I hate him. I never thought it possible to hate someone as much as I do my ex.

Filled with a renewed anger at what Hunter did to me, I decide now is a good time to face Alistair. If he wants to be pissed off, then I’ll match his mood.

With my head held high and my shoulders pushed back, I walk through the office in the direction of Alistair’s. Stopping at Terri’s desk. “Hi, Terri, is Alistair free?” I ask her.

“One minute,” she says, picking up the phone. “Mr Warner, Miss Hutchinson wants to see you,” she says into the receiver. I don’t hear his response, but Terri’s brows draw down before she hangs up. “You can go in, but he’s really not in the best mood. Just warning you.” She smiles at me.

“Thank you.” I nod my head at her, take a huge breath, and open Alistair’s door, closing it behind me.

He’s typing away at his computer. He doesn’t even stop to look up at me as I enter. He usually drops everything to give me his full attention. Why do I suddenly feel guilty? Like I’ve done something wrong?

Screw that! I haven’t done anything wrong. If he wants to sulk, then that’s on him. Not me.

I sit down in the chair across from him. Cross my legs and place my notepad on his desk. And wait. I don’t say anything. Just sit silently and watch him focus on that damn screen.

It feels like an eternity before he huffs out a breath and turns to face me. “What can I do for you, Miss Hutchinson?” he grunts.

So I’m Miss Hutchinson now? Just a few hours ago, I was ‘little girl’ or Dani.

“I have the notes you asked for, for the Jameson case,” I tell him, pulling the manilla folder out from under my notepad.

“You can leave it,” he says dismissively.

“Okay, is there anything you need me to work on today?” I ask him. I’ve finished everything he wanted me to research last week.

“Have you checked your emails this morning, Miss Hutchinson? I’ve emailed you a list of tasks I expect to be completed by end of day,” he says, without looking at me.

“Right, I’ll get on that then.” I stand, pick up my notepad, and walk to the door.

“Miss Hutchinson,” he calls out after me just as I’m about to turn the knob.

“Yes, sir?” I pivot to face him.