Turning on the faucet, I wait for the bathroom to steam up before I strip off and stand under the hot stream. Then I tilt my head back and let the water fall down my face. I squirt a handful of shampoo in my palm and rub the soap through my hair. The scent of lavender fills the room. After rinsing the shampoo out, I repeat the process with conditioner. Letting that set in my hair, I sit on the floor and pick up my razor. I shave my legs, all the other important parts, and then stand back up and wash out the conditioner. The water is starting to chill, so I quickly clean up with bodywash and shut off the tap. Stepping out of the shower, I wrap a towel around me before wiping my hand over the mirror to defog it.

As I stare at my reflection, I try to pinpoint what’s different about me. What’s changed?

I’m not too sure what it is, but something has. My eyes are more vibrant, even though I’m tired as hell. My skin, almost glowing. Opening the cabinet, I pull out my face scrub. I rub it all over, wash it off, and then apply a mud mask. This is what I needed. A night with my girls and then this. Some TLC time.

I head out to the kitchen to grab another glass of wine. I plan on sitting in bed with my wine and my Kindle. I’m sure I’ll be asleep before I get through a chapter of my current read. Pulling the wine out of the fridge, I fill a glass to the brim and sip at it before I pick it up and make my way back to my bedroom. I place the cup on the bedside table and jump when there’s a pounding on my front door.

That can’t be any of the girls because: one, they wouldn’t pound on my door like that ever, and two, they all have keys. Whoever is banging on my door, desperate to get inside, obviously does not have a key.

I pick up the baseball bat I sleep next to and tiptoe towards the sound. Peering through the peephole, I relax when I see Alistair on the other side. I pull the door open, and his fist stops midair.

“What the hell are you doing here? Trying to break down my damn door or something?” I seethe at him.


She did it again. She fucking left while I was asleep, in the middle of the afternoon. I’m about to put a damn bell around her neck. I have no idea how she manages to escape without waking me. She must have been a fucking ninja in a past life. Either that, or I’m so warn out from fucking her that once I’m asleep not even an earthquake will rouse me.

I really don’t think it’s too much to ask that she’s still there when I wake up. I wonder if this is how all of the women in the past have felt when I’ve left their beds? I’ve never actually wanted to wake up next to a woman before Dani. And the first one I want to see when I wake up doesn’t fucking want to see me. I’m sitting in my car out front of her apartment building debating if I should go up there or turn around and go home.

Perhaps her leaving is doing us both a favour. I can feel myself getting far too used to her. Too attached. Attachment to a woman, any woman, is not something I want. Ever. Even with this knowledge, I find myself jumping out of my car and jogging across the street.

There’s no lock, no keypad entrance to her building. Pushing the door open, I walk up the three flights of stairs. I may have hacked into the firms HR records to find her address tonight. It’s not my finest moment… I’ll admit. But desperate times and all.

My fist bangs against her door. I really couldn’t care less if I wake the whole building up at this point. She doesn’t answer so I bang again. Still nothing, so I raise my fist, stopping it midair when the door swings open and a very pissed-off Dani stands before me.

“What the hell are you doing here? Trying to break down my damn door or something?” she grits out between clenched teeth.

My eyes travel up her bare legs, up to her… panties. A pair of black lace panties. My gaze continues its path. The singlet she’s wearing is skin tight, her nipples pebbling under the fabric. My pupils dilate.

What the hell is she doing opening the door dressed like this? I look behind me to make sure I’m the only one in the hall and that the whole rest of the floor isn’t getting a glimpse of her… everything. My hand lands in the middle of her chest and I gently push her backwards as I enter her apartment and close the door behind us.

“You shouldn’t be answering the door dressed like that,” I tell her.

“You shouldn’t be banging on my door either,” she says.

There’s a loud thud as something drops to the floor. Glancing down, I watch a baseball bat roll away. “Were you going to hit me over the head with that thing?” I ask her.

“You’d deserve it if I did,” she huffs, pivots on her heel, and walks down a small hallway.

Turning around, I make sure the front door is locked before I follow her. There are only two doors in the hallway. Poking my head in the first one, I find a very small bathroom, so I enter the second room. Dani is pulling the covers back on her bed. I watch as she sits down and pulls them up over her. She picks up a tablet from the bedside table, followed by a very full glass of white wine.

“Thirsty?” I ask her from my position at the doorway.

“Is there a reason you’re here, Alistair?” she asks in a bored tone.

I walk over to her, pluck the glass of wine out of her hands, and place it on the bedside table. I then take the tablet and put it beside the glass. “I’m here because I woke up alone. Again,” I tell her, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“You’re a big boy. I’m sure you’ve been waking up alone for a long time now,” she sasses.

I raise my eyebrows at her. “I have, but all of a sudden, I don’t want to anymore,” I admit, pulling the covers back. “I want to wake up next to you.” My hand slides up her thigh. “Next to this.” I cup her pussy.

“I had things to do,” she says.

“I had things to do too, and I couldn’t do those things because the key ingredient to them wasn’t there when I woke up,” I tell her.


I stand and remove my shirt. Undoing my belt, I pull it through the loops of my pants. “You know, it’s really not okay. I’m not used to being left wanting, Dani. And you, little girl, always leave me wanting more. I don’t know what it is about you, but whatever it is, I need it. I need you,” I tell her. I toe my shoes off, my belt hanging from one hand. “On your knees. Turn around and put your hands around your back.”